Tuesday 29 December 2015

A Shaggy Dog Story.

Or rather a smooth-haired dog story.

Friends have a Doberman pup - he is now six months old and, to use their expression, 'daft as a brush'.   They have had Doberman dogs before and their training methods are excellent - every one has been perfectly behaved.   We also had their German Short-haired Pointer, Oscar, when they went to Japan to work for a few years, and he was one of the best and most faithful dogs we have ever had.  So they know their stuff when it comes to dog training.   Then why is this one taking a little longer?

The farmer met them on the lane last evening just as it was getting dark and chatted to them.   Tess and he got acquainted at the same time, although Tess gave him a pretty hard time.   She may only be half his height but she is a terrier after all and she gave him pretty short shrift.

We heard his story and I thought it would make interesting reading for you this morning.  His mother was pregnant with eight puppies and two weeks before their due date she fell down the stairs.   This precipitated their birth and all eight puppies were born alive and well.   But, sadly, their mother died in giving birth to them.   So all eight were hand reared, bottle-fed puppies.

I rather think he has grown up thinking he is a human,although he did spend rather a lot of the time his 'mum and dad' were talking to the farming trying to get a sniff at Tess's rear end (which she had absolutely no intention of letting him do!) so maybe not. 

HOSPITAL UPDATE.   My son has been back to see the eye specialist today, a week after he had an operation for a detached retina.   He has a good report, can now walk about normally, and is to go back next week for further examination.   So far so good.


  1. We had a horse once who'd been hand-reared. He was a stubborn fellow. We always assumed it had something to do with the lack of a mare to nip him and put him in his place.

  2. A bottle fed ram lamb that we thought we could keep for breeding as his parents were good turned into a real nasty fella and had to go for the chop( and joints!)

  3. Glad the pups were all safe, but poor Mum coming to such an untimely end. He is still young so may settle down in time.

  4. It takes a long time for some dogs to mellow.

  5. Good that your son's eye is healing well.

  6. Well, that is good news. I can't imagine getting through that week, but I bet he was raring to go afterward. What a dog tale. I am surprised they survived born so early. He'll be a special pup indeed.

  7. Pleased to hear that your son's eye is healing well, it must be a relief for you all.
    Glad Tess didn't let the pup take any liberties ! Our younger "girl" always sits down if a dog comes anywhere near her.

  8. What wonderful news about your son's recovery.
    Glad to know that the roads were open so Farmer could drive him
    to the doctors.

    cheers, parsnip and thehamish

  9. Good news for your son, then! Stay dry ...

  10. I am so glad to hear the good news about your son!

  11. So glad to hear the good report on your son's eye!
    I hope things are drying out for you.

  12. Weaver, I am so glad to hear the good news that your son received from the doctor, and hope that your son's recovery will steadily continue.

    Other hopes. That Yorkshire will have a chance to dry out. That the young doberman pup will ease his way into a pleasant life. That you and yours will have a very Happy New Year.


  13. Yes that is good news about your son, hopefully it will continue. Best wishes for the coming New Year to yourself and all your family. X

  14. Good news about your son's eye, post-operation. I think perhaps bottle-fed puppies are a bit like bottle-fed lambs - they haven't had the same mother grounding - e.g. being put in their place, socially - and obviously this pup thinks he is a Human and beyond normal doggy boundaries!

  15. Thanks for the support it was much appreciated by son.

  16. Happy New year old bean , hoping 2016 will be a cracker xxxxxxx
