Saturday 7 November 2015

Stormy weather.

The good news is that at last the awful fog has gone.   The bad news is that it has been pouring with rain and a gale is blowing up as I write.   It is forecast to get more and more blowy over the next twenty four hours and our weather forecasters in their wisdom have decided to adopt the American habit of calling our winter storms by names - starting with A - so this is Abigail on its way.

The first Saturday in the month means only one thing here in this Yorkshire Dales village - the monthly Church Coffee Morning.   Considering how heavily it was raining and what a positively awful morning it was the fact that there were forty villagers there was good.. 

People work so hard for it.   I was able to buy two beef lasagnes for £2.50 each, baked by A, who makes delicious lasagne (either turkey or beef) and two pies, baked by another A - one beef and onion and one chicken.   Again the price was £2.50 each - so four lunches for £10 can't be bad.  We had the beef pie for lunch and it was delicious with new potatoes and broad beans from our freezer (grown earlier in the year in our garden).

The other good thing about the morning is that villagers come along who I would never see were it not for this meeting.   I spoke to E, to another E and to L - all nice long chats about this and that.
I sat, as usual, with friend W - and we can chat until the cows come home!

.Then along came A (she of the lasagne) and we chatted about her grand=daughter, who has a tea shop in our little town.   What an enterprising young lady.   On bonfire night she had the foresight to open up her cafe and serve jacket potatoes with various fillings and hot chocolate to folk watching the bonfire.   She did a roaring trade - and so she deserved to with such enterprise!

Home again in time to cook lunch.   By this time the pouring rain had stopped and a glishy sun had come out.   Now at almost four in the afternoon it is beginning to get dark.   All those bonfires scheduled to be lit tonight (round here at any rate) will be soaking wet and will take a bit of getting going I would think.

As for the farmer and I - we will light the wood burner in a minute, eat tea on our knees in front of it and then watch Strictly Come Dancing - pure indulgence, but why not.   Isn't that what life is all about?


  1. We will do much the same, roast lamb is in the oven. The weather has cleared now and we have blue sky. The farmers will be in demand tonight to get the bonfires going with their drums of waste oil I have no doubt.

  2. One of the benefits of old age is being able to do exactly what you like, when you like. It's worth getting older for that!

  3. I'm at my partners house in Surrey today, where I was unable to catch up with her garden due to heavy rain and gales this morning, but like Rachel we now have blue skies.
    You forgot to mention the nice glass of wine after dinner while you're watching the excellent Strictly.

  4. I love the way you write about your life, adventures, and the Farmer.

  5. Sounds like a terrific day to me !

    cheers, parsnip

  6. How lovely to be able to buy 'homemade' pies - glad the coffee morning was so well attended. It sounded like Wuthering Heights for most of the morning here, and the rain was very heavy at times. It is still too mild for the time of year but I daresay I will soon be complaining about being cold. Enjoy your cosy evening - we will be doing the same.

  7. Buckle up...we are very cold, but the sun is out. I can handle so much with the sun shinning!


  8. Well the weather changed for the better here as well, LS swept up all the leaves and even Lucy ventured out for a walk. Lucky you to buy four dinners for £10, village life is good when it is so friendly!

  9. Your day sounds idyllic Pat, that is apart from the rain. Thankfully it is a dry cold night which is just as well for we are doing something in the garden later and we will remember you ok :)

  10. It's definitely November, - great gusty breezxes here blowing leaves off the trees and piling them up in fence corners. Your coffee do sounds grand Pat, - so nice to get out and chat.

  11. It all sounds rather wonderful!
    Do hope the bonfires manage to get lit.
    I never remember a damp fireworks night in my childhood.

  12. My god - I can't keep up, even in the light of a glishy sun!

  13. As I just said on someone else's blogs, I wish I had the cooking skills to make cheap meals for myself.

    The weather here has seen dramatic skies toay, with occasional really heavy cloudbursts, some lasting as little as 30 seconds.

  14. What a day my dear Pat. My husband came back from a trip late last night and has been watching football all day. Haven't seen or talked to a soul all week. My news is the giant anthills that have appeared around the farm and Gamera, the snapping turtle, was waiting at the pond this evening watching me drive by in the ATV. I thought he had gone into hibernation already. Might be a frost tonight so he better get to digging. My red weenie got hold of a juvenile possum last night and I had to pick them both up to separate them. It is trying sometimes on my farm. I would much prefer your day.

  15. Thank you for introducing me to "glishy sun." It's only one of the pleasures of reading your most recent posts, but I didn't want to forget to thank you.

    Your descriptions in the prior post of the recognizable wardrobes and gaits of farmers charmed me. What a fine man the Farmer is.


  16. Amazingly I'm back in shorts and T shirt. It was 23C here yesterday, I hope it lasts for a while (which is promised).

  17. It seems as though we are all doing more or less the same thing wherever we live. Lucky Cro to have that burst of heat - long may it last Cro.
    It was a lovely morning here but now it is pouring with rain again. Stormy weather.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Great pics, try out this:
