Sunday 15 November 2015

So far, so good.

Up to now (10.33) we have been fairly lucky with the expected weather.    There has been a lot of rain over night and the field opposite is flooded, but now, although it looks very stormy and the wind is blowing a gale, the sun keeps pushing through the big black clouds.   So we are hoping the worst is over.   About five or six years ago our village flooded very badly and several of my friends had their houses badly under water - we just hope that this doesn't happen again.

I think we are all stunned by the happenings in Paris on Friday evening; to think that while the farmer and I were watching the beautiful photographs such carnage was taking place relatively near at hand.   And of course, the venues chosen were where young    people gather in the main, just as the perpetrators were themselves young men.  There is a circle of death and destruction which just goes on and on and gets bigger and bigger.   Bombs rain down on beautiful cities like Aleppo, which is now no more than a shell; its people flee and  create a huge tide of refugees fleeing to countries of which they really know so little and to a climate which is so different from their own.   Those tiny terrified faces of the children haunt me sometimes in the night.  One feels helpless.   One side creates mayhem so the other side creates bigger mayhem.   Where will it all end?



  1. The river looks very high!
    Hpe all goes well.
    Yes, horrified by the events in Paris - one small group trying to
    impose their views on others.
    And of course the children suffer....
    Keep warm and well.

  2. It will end, Pat. Evil cannot survive in the end. The cycle must end, too. In a century we have had too much. Each century--too much. The age of enlightenment is over due.

  3. Yes Pat, I only have questions? How does one grow to hate so? Kill innocents in the name of a god? I have thought much about it these past days. The Syrians trying to get away from destruction and such evil people; trying to save their families and children. Where is the end? I have only come up with a simple answer. The genesis of it all. Teach your children well. It does take a community of parents, grand parents, teachers and neighbors and friends, leaders to raise our children with values and morals so that healthy children will grow into healthy adults. Keep them on a short leash and nurture them so they won't go astray. It is too late for the terrorists, but good will win out in the end.

  4. Think of Aldous Huxley's Brave New World. The New World Order is today's agenda. It will all end when one group controls the world. No one has yet managed it. But one day somebody will. It will end when every person has been 'bar coded' as it were, so that nobody can buy anything or go anywhere unless they have an appropriate bar code in their finger tip or retina or wherever assuming it hasn't been turned off by the ones in control and everything growing on the planet is legally protected and is owned by the New World Order monopoly.

  5. Or it will end with the death of the bees and the whales and the fish or maybe a solar flare or a great flood. It will end.

  6. Well i 'am of a different opinion than most it seems... nothing unusual there. :) I do not think it will ever end. I cannot seem to muster that much enthusiasm. In fact i think it is only going to get worse and we should prepare for worse as best we can... I cannot help but wonder at the logic of ISIS picking so many fights with so many countries... One might say they are just asking for us all to band together to fight them.. But they are so elusive and spread out everywhere... perhaps they know how difficult it would be for us to really do anything to them...

    I agree alot with Donna Baker... But we have whole generations of kids that have not had the benefit of those morals and values being kept on a short leash.... Whole generations of kids becoming adults that have not had the benefit of actual parenting... sigh......Hugs! deb

  7. My first thought when reading that ISIS wanted to take over the world was, don't they remember what happened to the Nazis who thought they could do the same? So many innocents have to die first but surely good will overcome in the end.

  8. R, that reminds me. George called it a crusade* when he fired the starting gun. (def. a military expedition 11th, 12th, 13th cent. to recover the holy lands from the muslims).

  9. It's horrible that there is so much hate in the world. Why do people find it so hard to empathise with others? Why do people feel the need to kill and maim other human beings?

  10. I just read the news on my BBC feed and saw that there was flood warnings for Yorkshire.
    I hope you stay safe and warm.

    cheers, parsnip

  11. Thank you for all the comments - they all shed light on the situation - talking to one another makes it easier to bear I think.

  12. I sorta believe what Gwil's all very sad.

    ┊  ★

  13. with all my heart I believe that truth is like the seed planted deep in the earth and even stamped down hard...that grows until it bursts out of the dark and reveals itself...think of those little wild flowers that noone plants and they break through tarmac and cement and paving stones...
