Sunday 1 November 2015

Post birthday.

I am getting back to normal today.   My niece has gone back home to near Derby, driving part of the way through thick fog and part through sunshine and then getting home to a dull, damp day.   She has just rung me to say she is back home.

Yesterday I had a really lovely birthday with lots of cards, e cards and e mails - three deliveries of beautiful flowers - sixteen cards through the post and quite a few visitors too.

Today I am busy organising meals for the farmer and me from left overs, changing and washing the bedding on one of the spare beds and putting on a quick blog.   So here it is.

I thought you might like to see photographs of two of my presents which are so artistic and so beautiful.   Unfortunately the stained glass panel has not photographed well but the vase has come out first class.

So now I shall go and sit wearing the jumper the farmer bought me  and reading the latest Bill Bryson book, bought me by  friend G.

See you tomorrow.


  1. The stained glass panel looks wonderful. I am glad you had a nice weekend, now time to relax and get over it. Belated happy birthday to you.

  2. Somewhat late, many happy returns, and you looked to have had a good birthday. I like the vase, very original. xxx

  3. Your stained glass panel is like a tiny piece of your title photograph.

  4. Happy Birthday a day late. So nice that you had a very lovely day with beautiful and thoughtful gifts.

  5. So pleased you had a lovely birthday. Both these gifts are beautiful. Down to earth today, gently I hope.

  6. Belated Happy Birthday wishes to you. Love those gifts and 3 bunches of flowers - some for every room in the house! Wonderful

  7. I missed it and it is the same day as my brother's! Darn!
    A very happy belated, and the vase is fabulous.

  8. Lovely birthday gifts.
    I think the stained glass looks like it one of your walks with Tess.
    Happy Birthday.

    Let there be cake
    cheers, parsnip

  9. Happy Birthday! What lovely gifts!

  10. Belated happy birthday. What beautiful and imaginative gifts. So good to hear that your niece came up to stay too. I bet you've got flowers in every room now!

  11. Belated birthday wishes. A couple of lovely presents there.

  12. I'm so sorry I missed saying HAPPY BIRTHDAY on your special day. So, a belated Happy Birthday must suffice.
    How nice you got to visit with your niece. And, what lovely, unique gifts you received.
    Enjoy your book!

  13. Thanks for the birthday wishes. Tonight I am pretty tired so I have come on my blog to relax. The farmer is doing a jig saw and I did it for a while until all the pieces started to merge into one!!

  14. Happy belated birthday, your presents look lovely, glad it was a good, if tiring day.

  15. Pat, you must be well loved to receive so much attention. Then again, I can tell that through your blog. Happy birthday, dear one. I think those two gifts are gorgeous.

  16. Happy Birthday and many happy returns of the day! Your presents are very lovely; my favorite colors.

  17. A very happy belated birthday! It sounds like you are well loved by many. So nice that you had all of those well wishes. -Jenn

  18. A belated Happy Birthday, I do like your gifts, the colors are so pretty.

  19. Dear Weaver, I wish you a very Happy, if Belated, Birthday. I will be sure to remember the proper day next year.

    I like the looks of that stained glass very much. The vase is also a beauty. Grand also to have your niece visiting on this occasion.

    May I take this opportunity to thank you for the great pleasure and knowledge that I receive from visiting this place that you create. xo

  20. I wish you a happy belated birthday! It sounds as though you had a lovely celebration. I love the vase. It is something I want to keep on looking at....And the stained glass is also beautiful.

  21. What beautiful gifts. Happy Birthday for yesterday. X

  22. A late happy birthday to you! The stained glass is wonderful!
