Wednesday 25 November 2015


It was our Poetry afternoon today and ten of us met to read our favourite poems.   As always, there was a huge variety - something for everyone - and it was really a splendid afternoon.   I personally find it one of my favourite afternoons of the month.   We meet at 2pm and usually end with a cup of tea at around 4pm.   If there is no Poetry group in your area I really can recommend your starting one for like-minded folk.

Christmas preparations go ahead smoothly (so far) with all presents bought (yes, I am lazy and buy all my grandchildren vouchers).  About a third of my cards are written and stamped (I buy a book of stamps each week when I go into the post office).  Many of my cards go to friends who I haven't seen for years, so letters go in them and they take some time, but the bonus comes when I receive a letter from them.

I make four cakes and two are now finished - both of them using glace fruits only.   I shall make a third one tomorrow morning - a more conventional one - then it will just be one more to go.

I really quite enjoy this run up to Christmas because puddings and cakes make the house smell so nice and spicy.   But what I would do without Delia's Christmas Recipe Book I really don't know.


  1. I have a few tried and true recipes i make every year... even this year while under construction i shall make a few... And i look forward to it .. I make Tigerbutter and peanut brittle in the microwave , Christmas butter cookie cut outs that are always Christmas trees...for some reason the trees just taste , some times i'll make an apple crisp which hubs truly loves... It just sets the mood of the season doesn't it? Hugs! deb

  2. You have a lovely interesting social life, Poetry afternoons sound like a nice way to pass time you will have to tell us some of the poems :-)

  3. I am so interested in your Christmas Cakes.
    We have fruit cakes here in America not many people like them
    but a small piece with coffee in the afternoon is so good.

    What is the difference between the cakes you make.
    I am sure you have posted on this before but I
    sometimes forget.

    cheers, parsnip

  4. I've never been able to make any headway with poetry, either writing or reading it, which makes me feel that my literary life is somehow lacking, or even a fake.

  5. As Parsnip says we have fruitcake here...used to be many people would give them for not so much. Still I like a slice with a cup of tea!


  6. All this cake making....will you do one for next years flower show?

  7. I love Christmas, our daughter will be coming home from Japan and will be here nearly 2 weeks, can't wait.

  8. We had Christmas last night, and today is Boxing Day. We're going to have to do it all again in a month's time, but then we'll be just the two of us.

  9. Pat, you are an inspiration! I am waiting for butter to go on sale in the local grocery store so I can begin making scads of shortbread for Christmas gifts. And I only have two Christmas letters written, - but all presents bought (unwrapped)....

  10. All this talk of Christmas and yet in my quite warm and sunny Kent garden this afternoon I still had a Bumblebee feeding on heather flowers.

  11. Delia's recipes are always reliable and this year I shall be making one from way back - Hazelnut Meringue - which everyone seems to like. In the recipe it is filled with apricots but I prefer raspberries. Not very seasonal I know, but for raspberries I make an exception. We shall eat it on Boxing Day when the family descend on us.
    We usually give family members money for Christmas - I can never keep up with who has what and who likes what. It makes our task easier and at least they get something they like.
    We don't eat Christmas cake and (shock! horror!) I have bought two individual puds and a few mince pies. However, I loved it when the family were all still at home and I could make everything including the mincemeat for pies. I used to make 3 dozen for my husband's office staff and then another load for my gannets!

  12. As regards the discussion of fruit cake - there is the most wonderful short memoir by Truman Capote "A Christmas Memory" (I think!) in which a lonely little boy helps his sweet but equally left- out aunt make....
    FRUIT CAKES... to send to the President and various others.
    I used to read it every year to my high school students . Super details and very moving.
    Family party tomorrow here.
    I'm making a large ham.
    You seem well ahead with your Christmas preparations.

  13. Thanks everyone. Heather's answer has solved what to make for me on Saturday night when my grand-daughter and her husband are coming. I shall make a pavlova.
