Friday 13 November 2015

Contrary weather.

The weather is really contrary today.   One minute it is blowing a gale and pouring with rain; a couple of minutes later and the sun is shining and the wind has dropped to little more than a breeze.   So far we have had well under an inch of rain, which is bearable.   But the forecast for tomorrow is for more of the same, so the farmer has decided not to walk with his winter walking group.   It will be wet and slippery underfoot apart from anything it might be throwing down from the sky.

  Last night I watch Ben Fogle on Channel 5 with a couple and their children, who had opted out and were living in Devon on a smallholding.   I found it fascinating but the farmer fell asleep after the first ten minutes.   I have given him stern warnings about what will happen if he does that when we next go out.
These warnings included creeping out, driving home in the car and leaving him stranded (he knows I won't do this as I hate driving in the dark and am really very dangerous trying to do so).

I can't help wondering what the weather is doing further North and West - conditions were expected to be very bad.   Certainly I have heard reports that our rivers are well up on yesterday here in the Dales.   Luckily we have only a short distance to travel into our little market town and no river near, so at least we can go that far.   Any futher and, if the rivers rise further, we shall be curtailed.


  1. Similar conditions here in North Kent Pat, without so much rain. Cloudless blue skies change to heavy black clouds and gale force gusts (one was 60mph) with light showers, then back to clear blue skies and much colder than of late. weather forecast for here is gales most days for a week with heavy rain tomorrow.

  2. Very nice article, i really liked it.
    Thanks for sharing this information.

  3. I watched Ben Fogle last night too, what a lovely family and so much work they have done, it was nice to see the local community have now accepted them after a 6 year struggle, it goes to show you should never judge people on there appearances :-)

  4. We'll have a taste of your weather at the weekend. Sunday probably

  5. Best to stay snug inside in this weather.

  6. It sounds as if it is the time of year to check on the store cupboard and freezer. Aren't we fortunate these days with our much improved communication systems? Our parents and grandparents certainly didn't have mobile phones and may not have had their own transport or telephone. Winter living 'out in the sticks' would have to be planned for.

  7. It's been crazy here in Southport -- sounds much like yours. I managed to do the grocery shopping, but am glad I don't have to go out again tonight. Don't know what to expect tomorrow, but right now it's sounding dire out there!

  8. Keep safe Pat and I hope that the farmer sticks by his decision to stay indoors. Weather can be such a fickle beast and is never to be trusted. We have been quite fortunate here but I think tomorrow is set to be VERY wet.

    I recorded the Ben Fogle programme and will watch it tonight. A Facebook friend is friendly with that young couple in Devon, so it will hold special interest for me. I remember reading about them when they first bought the land and wanted to live on it, and the local council etc were not being at all helpful and they were not exactly welcomed by the locals either.

  9. Are you getting a bit strict with the farmer Weave?

  10. Such awful weather, stay inside as much as possible and keep warm.
    Hope you don't flood.

    cheers, parsnip

  11. Oddly enough you have described the weather we are having in Belize yesterday and today! One minute the wind is blowing around everything that isn't tied down and the next minute it is calm and peaceful. We have a little more rain than you - so far!

  12. Retired and sitting by a blazing fire and no intention of going out in the cold damp weather here in Portland. Stay warm, happy and healthy Weaver.

  13. Sounds as though we are all in this together weather wise. Dire warnings for tonight and early tomorrow up here in North Yorkshire. Our village flooded badly a few years ago so we are naturally worried and will be glad when it is over. Thanks for joining in. As for being strict with the farmer Rachel - it goes in one ear and out the other - isn't that what farmers are best at?
