Tuesday 17 November 2015

Come on everyone.

Come on everyone, think 'cheerful' - think Christmas.   This afternoon I have made my Christmas puddings for this year - one for us, one for my son and his wife, one for friend G and one for my daughter in law's Mum.   Here is a photograph (not a very good one - sorry).

Please, let's all hope for happier times ahead - let's all have a virtual lucky stir of the pudding mixture before I steam it up in the morning.   Wish you could smell the Highland Park from here.


  1. A lovely post - could almost smell the mixture -thankyou for a bit of cheer !!

  2. having a virtual stir with you and wishing the weather would ease escpecially for those within flood plains and up north battling the high winds :-)

  3. Stir once for me please.
    It looks so wonderful and your home must smell lovely.
    Now is the Christmas Pudding, different from the Christmas cake.
    Because I know from Frugal that you can make a cake with mincemeat stirred in
    and baked in an oven. I might try that this year.
    I am working on my Christmas card and some tiny gifts (a plan change I was sick) and I am very
    much in the Christmas spirt.

    cheers, parsnip

  4. The mixture looks good and I'm sure the puddings will be delicious. Christmas cooking always makes the house smell lovely. Keep dry and don't get blown away!

  5. I thought we had to wait until Stir-up Sunday as in "Stir up we beseech you,....." in the Collect for the day.
    Anyway - this looks delicious whatever day it is.
    Those of us with much to be grateful for should keep cheerful and celebrate!

  6. I have stirred and made a wish for all six of you so far!

  7. I haven't made any C. puddings for years, as now mum is dead, I am the only one that eats them, and C. pudding IS fattening. I really couldn't eat a whole one!! Have a belated wish for me too Pat. It smells so good from here.

  8. Just the sort of cheery and loving post that we need at the moment Weave. Thanks for that. I can smell the mixture now. I haven't made any this year (Nor mincemeat Parsnip) so please give it a stir for me if you will and I will keep my wish secret of course.

  9. It is an interesting photograph, like it is exploding.

  10. Never made one and never tasted one, but I can imagine you making them and the smell in your house. Bless you, dear Pat.

  11. I could almost smell it too. Which is making me want to eat even more after my 19 mile run today

  12. Weaver, I am definitely giving a stir to that lovely mixture. I like the spirt of your suggestion, and perhaps also the spirits within the cake.

    You are encouraging me to bake something soon. It's finally getting a bit chilly here in New York, and I think my tiny kitchen might just manage the notion of a pre-heated oven.

    Thank you!

  13. Stir it once for me! I need some cheering up today. Thank you!

  14. Lovey thoughts. And I bet yourchristmas cake is delicious. We are going to start the plum puddings soon - then the German Stollen - ahh christmas baking. And here's my good luck and happiness stir.

  15. In the next few days I will have to drive about 100 kilometres to buy suet for our mincemeat; I hope the shop still sells it. Do remember to stir clockwise!

  16. Well give it a stir for me also, as Tom said remember the sixpences, and of course the delicious brandy come butter sauce, which with cream should always top the pud!

  17. Good Luck from The Stir. As per Thelma & Tom there was money to be had from Nanna's puddings. We, grandchildren, always got a silver 3d piece and my Grandad always got a folded £5 note. It was a white one so that says something about how long ago this was.

  18. Potty, I had completely forgotten white notes!
    Thelma - and a sprig of holly.
    Cro - didn't know about stirring clockwisde - think I did but too late now as they are in the bottom Aga simmering all day.
    Thanks to you all for your very cheery messages - doesn't it make us feel better?
    Puds are in steaming for the day - the rest will go in overnight tonight. For those who don't quite know what Christmas pudding tastes like - it really is just like brandy-laced hot Christmas cake.

  19. A Lovely post Pat xxxx Ho ho ho!
