Saturday 3 October 2015

A Change.

Yesterday the bright Autumn sun shone all day and the temperature was up in the high sixties (sorry, I just have not gone metric).   Today, after a clear blue sky early in the morning, the fog rolled in and the temperature dropped.   It was our Village Church Coffee Morning (I always go to it) and the drive there (about a mile for me) showed the temperature (on the car dashboard and in metric!!) as sixteen.   On my return journey two hours later the dashboard showed the temperature as seven.  Now, mid afternoon, the fog has cleared but there is no difference at all to the temperature, so taking Tess for her lunchtime walk meant wearing my Winter anorak.  And it was jolly cold too.

The wood burner is laid ready to light at tea time, the curtains ready to draw across and we can settle down to a cosy evening watching 'Strictly Come Dancing'.   Some of my more intellectual friends are horrified that I watch such a programme, but I love the way that rubbish dancers improve week after week by putting in so much practice.

The farmer and I are thinking about our next year's Spring holiday.   We have been considering a River Cruise, maybe on the Rhine or the Danube.   But after talking about it for a couple of days I have to be realistic and say that my mobility is not up to Eurostar - I just could not keep up on the walking to and from the train with the rest of the group.   So now we are thinking of Rail Journeys in the UK.
If anyone has any experience of these I would be grateful for any suggestions.

There are some lovely tours round the coast of the British Isles by boat, but sadly I am the world's worst sailor.   It only has to have a ripple on the sea and I am prone in my cabin being seasick.

But I really do want the farmer to see a little more of this country a bit further away from home but I don't want him to have to drive there.  Decisions, decisions.


  1. Last year rail in Scotland had a deal for £1.00p where you could travel for a week. I'll ask about it could be a regular thing in late autumn and winter.

  2. We've been kicking around the idea of a river cruise on the Danube too, couldn't you fly over and avoid the train?

  3. All rail journeys are tiring involving toil on and off and at the end of each journey to hotels and sight seeing is always that much more difficult without a car to sit comfortably in while the farmer drives you around to the next photo stop or cafe. However if you want to see some UK rail holidays Ffestiniog Travel do some. They are are good rail holiday company, will do tailor made if you want, and I recommend them.

  4. Take a sleeper to the West coast of Scotland? Anyway, Eurostar has been out of action for a while because of the migrants at Calais, I think. I am told that a mega train-ride through Eastern Europe is good.

  5. Hello Pat, here is an idea for you and the Farmer fly to Ireland and do a rail tour of 4 to 6 days see

  6. Can't help you on holiday ideas I'm afraid but I'm with you on watching Strictly. It's a shame some people are a bit sniffy about it as its a simple and harmless enjoyable evening IMHO!

  7. I've just spent an hour and a half travelling 10 miles by train - just think how far you'd get in a week!

  8. I've always thought river cruises and a rail tours both sound wonderful. Hope you can find one that suits your desires and abilities.

  9. I put some washing out early this morning and it still hadn't dried by this evening.

  10. Cold and raining here, too.
    I am good for about ten minutes of moderate mobility. I try to travel where wheel chairs are available, and someone to push them. It's just the way it is. I hope you find a satisfactory vacation resolution.

  11. What what about renting a boat on the Norfolk Broads? You could stop at lots of pubs. :)

  12. It's not easy finding the right holiday as one gets older. We tend not to go at all, I'm afraid but I hope you find something to suit both of you. The weather for the past week has been so lovely but I know it is coming to an end soon. I am taking refuge upstairs with my laptop as my husband is watching the rugby and I fear he must be diluting his beer with his tears!

  13. Noticably greyer skies and also dropped temperatures here today. It wasn't hard to give myself a day off from exercise

  14. I"m not sure about the river boat idea either. There are often three - at least - levels, which probably means stairs, and as I understand it, you get put off each day in a different place, to go and explore... and that means walking on uneven cobbled streets in those lovely medieval towns....

    I'd plump for the train travel1

  15. Guess what we did last night. Yup, lit the wood burner and watched 'Strictly'. I'm not a fan at all, but actually found myself openly praising and criticising.

  16. The middle of the day mists do drop temperatures a lot. Fortunately our mists have been early morning and soon dispersed by the Sun, though that has disappeared behind thick cloud today.

  17. Well the only thing I can come up with is the 'Orient Express' terribly expensive but to wake up early in the morning and look out on the mountains in Switzerland is one of the wonders of life. Scotland deserves to be more explored as well but there is a lot of walking around which is no good for you. Still you could always watch 'Three Men go to Scotland', a repeat was on last night on BBC4, which was very funny...

  18. We travel with Trafalgar Tours....and do the ones that are a bit "slower pace". I have never been disappointed.

  19. We took a train once and it was wonderful. No worrying about traffic, the food was expensive, but the views wonderful!

