Monday 14 September 2015

Views of the village

I thought you might like to see photographs of our proximity to the village.   Round by the road it is about two miles, but over the fields maybe a mile at the most.   Both photographs are taken from the same spot - look one way (north west) and see the village and look the other way (north east) and see open land.

My other photograph today shows the spread at the party on Saturday afternoon for the thirtieth anniversay of our local village study group.   Sadly, it was an awful day with heavy rain and some of the people who were expected didn't turn up.   But those who did had a nice chat about old times.

P S  The chocolate cake was delicious!


  1. Nothing like a good English tea!

  2. Looks like a very good spread Pat, so did you sample each plate ?

  3. You have some very good cooks in your group! My mouth is watering. The views are lovely - so much unspoiled countryside to be enjoyed.

  4. At the mere the sight of those cakes I'd have to slacken my belt. Yummy!

  5. Nice views and nothing beats a good slice of cake with lashings of tea on a rain swept day. Is this the farmer? Looks happy and content with his plate full.

  6. Thank you for both photographs showing views facing to and from the village. I appreciate having a better notion of distances in your area now.

    I also have a wonderful idea of how many talented bakers are part of the study group. Glad that even the harsh rains did not keep everyone away from the eelebration

  7. The photograph of the cake table is not the farmer - it is our friend and neighbour A.
    I tried - without success - to keep the farmer away from the cake table - but at lease he ate so much of it that he didn#t want any tea when he arrived home. I just had one piece of chocolate cake and it was delicious.

  8. It looks like they missed a fantastic spread.

  9. What a spread, those that didn't go really missed out didn't they?

  10. Beautiful views of the fields and the dessert table!

  11. It would have taken very rough weather indeed to keep me away from those cakes!

  12. Wow! You live in a rich and lush land. I love the rolling hills and the very green green of your world.


  13. Your neighbors must have all been winners of the Great British Bake-Off by looks of the amazing cakes!

  14. Out of curiosity, what are the views to the SE and SW from where you took the photographs?

  15. Goodness; that looks like a WI meeting.

  16. Maureen - to the South East is just open farm land and this goes on for quite a few miles - Eventually leading to the North York Moors. To the South West there is moorland and if you keep going, eventually the Lake District.

    Thanks for the comments. There was a lot of cake left -pity you werem't all there.

  17. That looks like a good feast and all home-baked too (as such things should be!)

    Sorry the weather prevented some people from coming, but I hope you all had a good time regardless.

    You are much nearer civilization than us - we have to drive 3 miles away to the nearest - community run - shop and PO. Town is 10 miles in either direction but Carmarthen is much bigger than Llandeilo.
