Wednesday 30 September 2015


I must say that an hour of exercise for the over sixties this afternoon has left me pretty exhausted.   Half an hour is exercise for the brain and the upper body - lovely but needs a lot of concentration.  The other half is on our feet with a lot of walking up an down and sideways in time to music - again brain exercise but also exhausting.

I left and went into town to post an important letter and also to buy the thing I forgot on my shopping list - rich tea biscuits - not only a bedtime essential for the farmer but also half of one for Tess.

Now back home on a lovely afternoon and I have just entered today's cattle movement on to the Government site.   Because I only do this four times a year I always forget how to do it, which is rather annoying, but today I remembered quite quickly and it was done in no time.

I have a visitor for lunch tomorrow so cooked carrot and sweet potato soup in advance this morning; now all I have left to make in the morning is a blackberry and apple crumble.  The pressure is off.

Bake off semi final tonight - I wonder who will win.  Tonight is all based on chocolate and as I really don't particularly like chocolate I won't be drooling watching the programme.


  1. every time I go to Botswana I have to go to the government site and create a license code to give to the car hire company. I have to work out how to do it from scratch. Of course being Botswana all the want is the green paper part of the license. What happens to people who do not have it anymore I have no idea.

    Only 3 more trips to go this year and then I am retired. If the idiots (solicitors) can get a move on I should be in a barn by Christmass in Somerset.

    I am supposed to be up in your part of the world week after next for the last of the fishing but if the weather holds there will be no point. Fantastic autumn weather so either way whatever happens rain or no rain I am still happy.

  2. Ah. Coffee is too wet without a rich tea biscuit or two dunked in it.

  3. Exercise helps keep mind and body young. Bet that is why you had no trouble getting your cattle movement entered.

  4. You are very busy and organised, that is what keeps you young.x

  5. We prefer McVities Digestive biscuits to dunk in our coffee, rich tea are too bland for my liking Pat.

  6. I know what you mean about things we only do once in a while and in between we forget how to do them, so annoying. I exercise every day and some days it's a real struggle mentally and physically.

  7. Every bit of this post interested me, but I admit to actually giggling at the notion of Tess having part of a rich tea biscuit.

    Wouldn't mind having some of that crumble.


  8. I find it all too easy to become exhausted without an exercise class to blame. I like Rich Tea biscuits too - they make me feel less guilty!
    I have a little note book in which I write the instructions for several computer tasks that don't crop up very often.
    I like the sound of your soup and look forward to soup weather, although I can enjoy it at any time of year. Enjoy your friend's visit.
