Tuesday 4 August 2015

Our own produce,

Anyone who blogs with Cro Magnon will, like me, be green with envy at the wonderful variety and quality of the vegetables and fruit he grows in Haddocks.

Well, at last, today we have begun to harvest some of the produce from our own, rather Northerly, garden.   In fact today's lunch consisted of everything we had grown ourselves (apart from the milk, and there was a time when that would have been home-produced too).

We had field mushrooms from the pasture in an omelette, using our own eggs.   With it we had young broad beans with parsley sauce (both beans and parsley from the garden) and followed it with fresh raspberries (our own) and cream.   Not only was there great satisfaction in the eating of it but also in the fact that all the farmer's hard work had at last come to fruition.

Now there is a huge quantity of peas to pod and freeze!


  1. Your broad beans look wonderful, ours did not do very well this year.

  2. It all sounds wonderful. I always say the world's greatest optimists are gardeners.

  3. Good that you know
    where your food is from.
    You know what is in it
    and and what is not in it.
    It is tasty, nourishing
    and good for you.

  4. Well done farmer! Lovely fresh produce which you turned into a delicious meal.

  5. I love summer and all the good things to eat which comes with it!


  6. It tastes so good! Our raspberries are done, but we harvested them all through July. We have tomatoes now, but that's all; no other veggies were planted.

  7. You lunch sounds lovely and made better by the fact it came from your garden.
    I only have 4 pots for my garden. But the two tomatoes plants produce enough for me.
    Carrots still coming.

    cheers, parsnip

  8. My mouth is watering. Perfect produce grown by the farmer and full of flavour and goodness. Luxury!

  9. Here in the States one can find broad beans (usually
    called fava beans) in the East and in California, but
    where we live in central Texas, no one has even heard
    of them. I've questioned grocery store produce managers
    to no avail, which is frustrating because I love them.
    And no doubt in my mind that they are best served with
    parsley sauce.

    Great photos.

  10. This evening's supper was a salad, mostly composed from produce I brought back from the Saturday farmers market. I am already looking forward to what might be on display at Union Square tomorrow.

    Summer is a time to celebrate what the earth can grow, with tender care.

    It's a pleasure to see Cro Magnon's comments hereabouts, and I enjoy visiting his site, too.

    We city dwellers do appreciate what surrounds us, but also long for other possibilities.


  11. I envy you and Cro your wonderful homegrown veggies and fruits! I want a real garden so bad! One day, maybe.

  12. I'm madly trying to cope with all my tomatoes at the moment. Bottling occupies about two hours of every day. I wouldn't have it any other way either. Cro xx

  13. You are what you eat. A lovely selection there Pat. I have endless tomato plants this year but they want more SUN please.

  14. Nourished by your evident joy and good photos

  15. Glorious stuff and making me feel very hungry! I could make a bean stew later.

  16. Lovely, I bet it tasted wonderful.

  17. I just bought a ready meal for tea.

  18. Love peas and broad beans, think I like podding them just as much as eating them....

  19. Well done!
    I'm envious - so lovely to have your own produce.
    As a child we had white currents and black currents, gooseberries and red currents and raspberries -sometimes rather mouldy strawberries.
    Only herbs on the roof here!

  20. Oh Rachel - I often buy ready meals - beacause I run out of ideas for lunch.
    But nothing beats that fresh produce at the moment - even though I eventually get rather fed up with btoad beans and parsley sauce!

    Thanks for calling round everyone.

  21. I love your pictures. It is funny how pictures of fresh food can look so much more appealing than pictures of cooked or processed food. The colors are rich in the plants so you must have a great place to grow them. I have tried to grow mushrooms before but I found that it was difficult to keep the climate.

    Catherine Strickland @ Market At The Fareway
