Thursday 13 August 2015


Creeping, creeping up the country the torrential rain, the flooding, the thunderstorms.   It began to cloud in here mid morning and has now completely clouded over with dampness in the air.

The farmer has got all his hay but one field and that is not quite ready, so this afternoon he cut losses and persuaded the owner of the field to have it silaged and baled instead.   The alternative was to leave it for another day to dry a bit more.   Too big a risk.

As usual with the English weather, three fine days in a row is about as much as we can manage.


  1. That's rather pessimistic Pat 'three fine days and then rain' No I don't believe that
    because even on this damp island we can on occasions have a dry spell that continues for three weeks some years :)

  2. So he was right, with his Farmer's Nose, about the hay never going wrong :o) So glad it all got in OK and the final field was salvaged before the rain hit. x

  3. It got dark here up to mid afternoon and then brightened again. So far no rain but Friday looks a different day. Pleased you got most of the hay in OK.

  4. Farming is ruled by the weather. You came from a different life before you married the farmer. Now you are seeing how important the weather is. It is a different life. As summers go this isn't bad. It has been a smash and grab harvest but I have known worse. I have known the combine harvesters to be stuck in mud in the fields and towed round by tractors, we sat on the tractors in our winter clothes and it rained like it seemed like every day and we lit fires every night. This one isn't so bad.

  5. You - or the actual farmer - don't need any wise words from me, what with all the brilliant advice from Heron and Rachel.

  6. News said monster thunderstorms for GB. Sounded really bad.

  7. And we are so desperate for rain. Expect showers tomorrow, but a lovely drizzly three day rain would be just perfect!

  8. We have battened down the hatches for tonight. The drains are cleared out and we have picked as much as we can and it is now cluttering up the kitchen because I'm tired to to proccess it.
    The Farmer certainly has his finger on the button.

  9. Too much rain...never a good thing for hay. Your world is lovely green in your header!


  10. awww too bad, but at lest it was saved and can be eaten this winter !

    cheers, parsnip

  11. A bit miserable here too for a while, but at least we've had a very good Summer up until now.

  12. We have missed the thunderstorms and flooding but it has rained steadily since last night and looks set in for today. Glad the farmer got most of the hay in and the rest won't be wasted. I hope you don't get too much disruption from the weather. Maybe a nice weekend is on the cards?

  13. Three fine days and then rain? That's not English weather, that's just Yorkshire! :o)
