Sunday 2 August 2015


Signs of Autumn are arriving early here in the Dales - even earlier than usual, as we have had no Summer to speak of.   In fact I worry that it has been impossible to get in the hay and even second crop silage is far behind.  The farmer does not seem to worry; he has seen it all before and never failed to get everything 'safely gathered in' finally.

Today he brought in the first of the wild field mushrooms - just five of them, new and in pristine condition.   After his walking group he came back to bacon,  tomato, fried potatoes, mushrooms and egg for his tea.  I can't remember ever finding mushrooms this early before.

On the wires the swallows are beginning to gather in long lines, although almost every nest still has second brood babies in it.   This year's first brood are practising flying around like mad to strengthen their wings for the long journey back to Africa.  (via Malta where they are terribly persecuted).

In the hedgerows the rowan berries are beginning to turn orange and the hawthorn berries have a faint tinge of red.  And the predominant colour of the roadside verges in the purple of the various thistles.

Today five of us went out for lunch and I think we all of us overate.
My favourite course was the starter, which for me was a salmon-stuffed pancake served  with a lemony Hollandaisse sauce.  Delicious.


  1. That certainly seems to be very early for mushrooms. If I came home to find them on my plate though I'd not complain.

  2. Aye' August here in Ireland is our first month of Autumn with Winter starting in November. It will not be long now before I buy in the winter fuel. Mushrooms as per Eggs, are unfortunately not on the list for me.

  3. The swallows in Wisconsin were forming in long lines on the wires last week, which was a week earlier than I usually visit and find them forming up. I hope they were done with nestlings.

  4. I said to my husband a couple of days ago that it felt like Autumn. I guess we are in for an early one this year. The blackberries are rather late though (not enough sunshine I suppose). I've not looked for mushrooms, mainly because we can both live without them. I bet your husband enjoyed the first of the season today.

    I dread the Swallows and House Martins going. They are in our stables and barns (swallows) and are on their 2nd brood too. I just cannot imagine living anywhere where I didn't have Swallows.

    Blardy Maltese and their guns . . . It's really macho to blow small birds to smithereens . . . NOT.

  5. It has the feel of fall here also. Cool, temps just right, a little on the drizzling side. But the birds are still here...thankfully!


  6. Summer's been back here this weekend, though I've seen a few blackberries that are ready to pick. They promised us a long hot summer this year. Not sure what happened to it!

  7. I always dislike talking about the Autumn when the harvest isn't yet in, so I wont. It is only just August, it is a smash and grab harvest at the moment because of all the rain, and then the wheat will come in late August, and then you can start talking about berries and swallows leaving if you like.

  8. We are getting some summer rain this year so I am very happy.
    But no Autumn yet for us.
    You lunch sounds lovely ! I would love to know how they made it.
    I am off to see if I can find a recipe.

    cheers, parsnip

  9. Oh how i wish i had sign of Autumn around here .... but thats probably still a month or two away.... sigh.... Summer has always been a burden to bear not enjoy as some do... but then i've always lived where it was incredibly hot... Where i hibernate in the aircondition during the summer and come alive in the Fall... I would thrive if summer were only a month or two long... Is there a place on earth like that? lol Hmmm.. maybe Okay Mother Nature show me a sign of Autumn... I'll be watching... Hugs! deb

  10. Interesting post. Your blog is the third one today that I have read that mentions it feels like Autumn. Some how that seems wrong, much to early.

    It is very hot here in the Midwest USA and really we won't see any relief for at least another 6 weeks or so. Many people here enjoy the very hot days but I am not one of them. The heat is no problem now that all the buildings are air conditioned and school will start back on time in a couple of weeks. Like poster Deb I tend to come alive in the Fall.

    You do prepare some lovely meals for the farmer. How is your finger and the new Rx?

  11. Summer is set to reappear. After a short cooler wet spell the hot weather will arrive in Austria in a day or two.

  12. Here in the Pacific Northwest of the US we are also getting some signs of early autumn. The Ash Tree berries have already turned bright orange and red, the wheat is ripe and the pumpkins are turning orange - in August!!!! Often the pumpkin farms are worried that the pumpkins won't ripen. Apples are ripe - peaches are done and the wild blackberries are ripe - usually they don't come on until early September. And yet our weather stays hot - today it is 85 - and believe me that is hot for here - we are used to mid 70s and some rainy days - we've only had one rainstorm since the first of May, rivers are at an all time low, some waterfalls have ceased to flow and everything is parched and brown. The Maples and Cottonwood trees are losing their leaves from the drought. It is indeed a strange summer - who knows what autumn will bring.

  13. We see no signs of Autumn yet here in the southern US, I wish. We've had a hot, wet summer (and it's raining again) and everything is very, very, green.

  14. Your posts often make my mouth water!

  15. I almost feel bad saying so, seeing so many places are either too hot, too cold, too dry, or too wet, but the weather here on the Mid-Atlantic coast of the US has been glorious this summer.
    :) m & jb

  16. Good lord Weaver.... over here we are having temperatures of 35C and we've still had no proper rain. Usually mid-August we have thunder storms and rain that bring up the Cepes, so maybe mushroom omelets will be on the menu before the end of the month. Then September, which is always one of my favourite months.

  17. I am hungry now Pat - I was just going to have toast but now I want mushrooms!

  18. Mushrooms in the fields here too Weave and a few black blackberries, but no runner beans yet.

  19. I too have noticed early signs of autumn Pat. Ripening blackberries when I always think of September as being the month for them, and mushrooms. The hawthorn berries are well formed and wont be long in changing colour. Not yet! Not yet, please!
    I too would overeat if presented with that delicious sounding dish.

  20. Thanks for visiting everyone. Two more mushrooms this morning, which I shall eat at lunchtime. The farmer has gone down the lane to the next but one farm to do a little digging job (using his new digger and trailer!)so I shall have a couple of jacket potatoes for my lunch - so easy to do in the Aga and something the farmer can happily do without. I always roast Elfe potatoes - if you haven't tried them you are in for a treat - they are golden yellow and buttery.

  21. I wish the swallows would take me when they go (but not to Malta).
