Saturday 22 August 2015

All friends together for a jolly night out with a friend who has moved away and had come back for the week-end. (second from end on right in stripey cardi).  Sadly it happened on our Wedding Anniversary, so the farmer and I are going out for Sunday lunch instead.

Today (and for the foreseeable future) is going to be heavy rain and thunder - goodness knows about the grass down for hay.   It really does look as though the crop will be lost.  Luckily it is only a small part of the field and not a huge crop, so the situation could be a lot worse.

Today is the West Witton Village Show, West Witton being a village about three miles away from the farm.   The farmer has been a judge there for some years and will be leaving shortly to judge flowers, fruit, vegetables and hay (don't expect there will be much of that this year).

The weather is not important as the whole show is held in the Village Hall and is followed by a Fell Race up the nearby Penn Hill (my son usually runs in the Veterans' Race) and then tonight by the Burning of Bartle - a ceremony which dates back into antiquity in which a figure is paraded through the village while everyone chants a rhyme and the figure is then burnt on the slopes of Penn Hill.   It is all a bit macabre but at least the tradition is kept going.

The rain has just started to fall (9.30am) and the sky is black.  Pity anyone up here on holiday.

Have a good week-end.


  1. Oh dear. Perfect hay-making day down here, though hardly anybody has livestock, apart from horses, down here. I hope plenty of people turn out for the show and other festivities.

  2. Sunny and warm here today but I think the rain is coming later. Such a shame for the holidays, as you say.

  3. When your son runs in the veteran category, you know that you are somewhat mature...

  4. Love the festivities. Hope the rain lets up for a while.

  5. Such a shame when the weather spoils summertime traditions and events, and a disaster when it ruins crops. Hopefully it won't dampen any spirits. Your gathered friends look a happy and friendly lot - glad you enjoyed your get-together and Happy Anniversary to you and the farmer.

  6. Happy anniversary, shame about the weather, incredibly warm and muggy here today, waiting for the storms to come.

  7. I live in a holiday area, too. Wet West Wales. Very wet!

  8. Hi Pat,
    Hummm...not a good weather forecast for putting Bartle on the barbie tonight.
    Now, I must tell you that I Did manage to set my husband's iPAD on fire Thursday afternoon. (Sigh.)
    I could probably manage setting the Bartle on fire in a thunderstorm.
    ;) m & jb

  9. Two wonderful days out.
    I hope the lady with the horses got her hay in.
    Happy Anniversary !

    cheers, parsnip

  10. Any idea who the original Bartle was? I assume he dates from some event in local history.

  11. We so need rain! I think it all came in the spring and then forgot us!

    Happy Anniversary!

