Saturday 15 August 2015

A lovely walk.

Yesterday was a pouring-wet day here - very miserable for anyone up here on holiday.   Today it is cooler, fresher and sunny.   A lovely day in fact.

After lunch the farmer and I walked down the pasture and then up the Christmas tree field.   It is a long time since I did this walk as I am not altogether steady on my feet on uneven ground and really need somebody near at hand (apart from Tess who would be pretty useless if I fell.)

 It was lovely.   Both fields were empty of stock.   Sheep and/or cattle can only be left in a field for so long before it is eaten off or the grass becomes uneatable.   This made the going easy.  We picked several mushrooms (better picked early morning, but we did check for maggots and discarded one or two)|.

Plenty of crane flies (Daddy long legs) around - a sure sign of Autumn on its way - and a distinct lack of butterflies.   The crab apple trees are covered in tiny green apples (the cattle like them later on when they fall to the ground) and the hawthorn berries, although still green, have a hint of the red to come.

It was good to see the Christmas trees thriving well.   The farmer has an uphill job to keep out the rabbits (the field is absolutely riddled with them) but so far he has kept on top of them.

The icing on the cake would have been to see either a kingfisher or a heron on the beck, but sadly neither, although we know they are both resident.   Each time I get down there the wood grows taller and denser and at this time of year it is dark underneath and all the early wild flowers (daffodils, blue and white bells, primroses) have long since finished for another year.

The morning was spent in town having coffee and a scone at The Old School House where there was a Summer Fayre.   Lots of friends there so nice chats and a lovely atmosphere.  Then home for sausage and mash with our own peas and onion gravy.  The farmer's favourite.

I am pleased to say that he is back to normal today.   One day's rest of that hip and it seems alright again thank goodness.

Whatever you are thinking of doing, have a good weekend.


  1. The rabbits might be decent for the pot, if you can get at them humanely...

  2. Oh, MY! That was beautiful! I loved your walk!


  3. a wonderful day to spend a perfect Saturday

  4. The perfect day for a walk. Those little Christmas trees look very happy and the views are beautiful. So pleased to hear the farmer's hip is better. It has not been the summer day here that I was hoping for. Some sun but lots of cloud and quite cool under it, but at least it hasn't rained.

  5. Looks like the Christmas tree field could do with a rabbit fence.

    Lovely photos. We have had dry weather here all week. The dry East, just as it should be.

  6. What a lovely walk and thank you for taking us along.
    Everything looks so lush green with a bright blue sky
    and beautiful fluffy white clouds.

    cheers, parsnip

  7. Glad to hear that the Farmer has made a rapid recovery, I must admit that, having had lower back and hip problems myself from twisting around while driving a tractor, I feared he might be in pain for a while. He's obviously made of sterner stuff than me!

  8. Such serene views in your lovely photos; I can see why you enjoyed the walk so much. Glad the Farmer's hip is better. cheers!

  9. A neighbour recently dug a small pond, and the postman kindly put a few carp into it. The carp have thrived and the pond is now occasionally visited by a heron. Herons, to me, are a sign of healthy countryside, and I love to see them around. Sadly no kingfishers here, but I have seen them from the famous bridge in Cahors. Sunday begins with a clear sky here, something we've not seen for a few days.

  10. Lovely photos.Thanks for taking us with you. I haven't been able to walk for the last 3 weeks, as I have a painful knee. Found out yesterday that it is a tiny bit of bone broken off and wafting about in there. Had steroid jab…hoping that will take the pain away. Glad to hear that the farmer's hip hasn't caused long term problems. We get herons and kingfishers on our stretch of the River Lea here in Harpenden, but you have to keep your eyes peeled to spot the kingfisher…..blink and they are gone! There is what I assume to be a young heron, as it lets people ( and dogs ) get very close.2/3 yards away, and my neighbour had great trouble a while ago trying to shoo it off her pond! Have a lovely Sunday….grey skies here at the moment.

  11. I do love your blog and look forward to your daily account. Thank you for the lovely walk. Your current header makes me feel like I am standing in the field enjoying the sun and fresh country air. So glad the farmer's hip has responded so quickly to a day of rest. Happy Sunday.

  12. Thank goodness the hip is back to good!
    How awful if it had been serious.
    A lovely walk indeed.
    Much too hot here - over 90F

  13. A pleasant walk, and the Xmas trees look well. sssh no talk of Xmas yet, though there is a definite nip in the air even as the sun shines.

  14. If it's any consolation. Emily and I saw loads of butterflies up the top of the hill, by the wood near the "new build". There were obviously lots of plants they liked there. And I keep seeing the heron down here.

    A bit chilly this morning for breakfast al fresco. Could be Autumn rearing its ugly head.

  15. Such beautiful photos.I enjoy reading your blog.Thanks a lot!
