Wednesday 19 August 2015

A busy day.

First of all John asks if I can post a few pictures of our house for you to see, so I thought I might post one room at a time, now and again.   Furnishings are so idiosyncratic aren't they?

I am a hoarder and have so many things which have been given to me over the years and which I am loath to part with.  So be prepared for it to be cluttered.   I also have hundreds of books which take up all the shelves.

These pictures are
of our living room, where we spend most evenings, especially in Winter when the wood burner is going full steam ahead.   It faces due North but gets nice and cosy in Winter.

My Buddha over the stove is one of my most treasured possessions - I have had him for fifty five years.   The fairy lights which stay up all year round were put up when I survived my first major fit six years ago and I put them up to celebrate my survival.

This morning we drove to Northallerton, the County town of the North Riding of Yorkshire, for the farmer to have X Rays on hip and knee.   Excellent service - only a quarter of an hour from parking to leaving.   Immediately after lunch our sheep went back home to be spained (lambs separated from their mothers).   Anyone who has anything to do with sheep knows that they smell absolutely awful - the smell seems to be clinging to me now - and all  I was doing was watching.

Finally I just noticed my Crocosmia Lucifer and my Golden Rod, both in flower in the front garden next to one another.   Not two colours one would think  of putting adjacent, but don't they look splendid?

Sorry - the pictures are out of order but have no time to sort them out.   They are pretty self-explanatory though.


  1. It looks very cozy and English - love your room and the wood burner for chilly weather.
    We just had our winter wood delivered - a huge pile now stacked and ready for the hearth come cold evenings - I can hardly wait after this torrid summer which now feels endless!
    Flowers are beautiful!
    Mary -

  2. Such a cosy happy home there I think. I love the splash of colour with the Crocosmia and Golden rod - so cheery! x Jo

  3. An especially cozy room, especially the rug underfoot. Where is the little dog's place?

  4. Your flowers are gorgeous and from the looks of your living room, you are hardly a hoarder. Must be in the other rooms.

  5. Pretty flowers and a nice cosy room with stove to add warmth with its fire.

  6. Your room looks so light, airy and very comfortable. I am not a fan of minimalism as I too have so many things of sentimental value dotted around. We keep our books on shelves built in under the stairs - there are more in the kitchen, the bedroom and my workroom.
    Your garden must be a picture - those flowers will glow in the sunshine and light up a dull day.

  7. Because you surround yourself with the things you love and have meaning to you does not mean you are a hoarder ... Ms. Pat.. :) I hear of so many people downsizing.. getting rid of things... getting rid of clutter.. I say sometimes clutter makes a home... clutter can mean a life well lived and well loved.. You have a lovely living room Pat and i look forward to seeing more. Hugs! deb

  8. How different to my living room, so neat and lots of your favourite things around you. Your fairy lights are very touching that you have kept them there and the Buddha with lots of memories of 50 years ago no doubt. Thank you for showing us. Different rooms but friends!

  9. How kind of you to let us see into your home. Your living room looks lovely and a perfectly comfortable place to spend your evenings. Is this the chair that the Farmer likes to sit in? I like your bits and pieces, wall hangings and books. Once your explained about the fairy lights they made sense as well.

    We have ornaments in our home from different parts of the world. Some have special meaning, especially the ones that remind me of home and growing up in England. I do not see this in the homes of any of our children. Perhaps this is a generation difference.

    How we decorate is very personal and as long as it makes you happy and you and the Farmer are comfortable that is all that matters. Your photos do not indicate any hoarding.

    Take care.

  10. The garden looks stunning and the house cosy and charming. I love the Buddha and the fairy lights, too. We also have a lot of what some people call clutter, but I call 'treasure'!

  11. You call that CLUTTERED.... you should see my house!

  12. Your house looks lovely, thank you for showing us.

  13. A comfortable and relaxing space Weaver. And no room is complete without books! Those flowers set each other off, don't they, they're glowing.

  14. I am lucky to have visited your lovely home Pat and indeed share a bit of your garden when I look out onto my geraniums! Seeing your ercol armchair on your blog - and looking over at ours here. The webbing perished but Jon replaced it at a cost of £20 per chair - a good saving eh?

  15. some pretty intense colour in that garden!

  16. Thank you so much for sharing the photos of your living room. I don't see any clutter! I do see a welcoming space, cosy chairs and ... books. In my opinion, any room without books is a bit empty.

    Glad that the Farmer's appointment was quickly managed. I hope he's continuing to feel less pain.

    Beautifully jolly flowers! xo

  17. An excellent room for chilling out in, not a bit of clutter, cosy and warm, especially when the log fire is going.

  18. I love the cozy feel of your garden and your living room! We hang out by our fireplace in the winter also. I hope your husband is doing much better today.


  19. Thank you for sharing photos of your garden and you home. Like Frances said I see a welcoming space, cozy chairs with all the lovely bits and pieces that make up your life.

    cheers, parsnip

  20. First - gorgeous flowers - the colors are so vibrant.

    Your rooms are not cluttered - they are happy and filled with treasures. The living room looks so very cozy. I can just imagine a cup of tea in front of the wood stove.

  21. The flowers look very pretty.The rooms are bright and cheerful and cosy.Lovely photos!
