Saturday 18 July 2015

Walking and eating.

It is the farmer's turn to lead his walking group tomorrow and he has the route all planned, although he has just been looking at the OS map with a view to shortening it a bit if the threatened rain hangs about.   It is forecast to arrive overnight and clear by lunch time, which would be fine.   But if it is late arriving then the walk can always be cut down by a mile or so.

I, on the other hand, am going out to lunch with three friends.   We are going to the same pub we went to a fortnight ago because the ambience and the food are both so good.   My meal last time (crayfish and apple salad followed by wild mushroom and pine nut risotto) was so delicious that I am tempted to have the same again.   I am not a great meat eater and I do love risotto.

So the poor farmer - if he calls the walk off because it is just too wet (highly unlikely as they are a pretty intrepid lot) - he will either have to sit at home and eat his sandwiches (actually a little pork pie with chutney sandwiches and a packet of crisps followed by a picnic slice) or he will have to brave eating a pub lunch with four ladies - and I know which he will choose!


  1. What is a picnic slice ? Hope you both enjoy your day tomorrow. X

  2. My husband loves food and the thought of 4 ladies wouldn't slow him down at all.

  3. I think you have spoiled the farmer! - My mother did the same thing with my stepfather. I doubt if he could have boiled water! I could go on, but I won't.

  4. Oh my goodness . . . to me both lunches sound really great !
    Have a wonderful lunch with your friends.

    cheers, parsnip

  5. Just the Pork Pie would do for me; as long as it was a nice big one.

  6. Frances - a picnic slice is a traybake made with coconut, cherries, walnuts and the usual butter, flour etc., and then cut into slices.

    Cro - I must point out that the farmer only has a small pork pie - one of the Melton Mowbray ones that come in a four pack. The tradition, which I had never heard of until I married him, is to have such pies hot, so I buy four on Saturday mornings and we eat two over the week end (I usually have half of one as they are very fattening) have the other two hot for Monday lunch - preferably (for the farmer!) with chips and mushy peas!!

  7. Both options sound good though I think I'd opt for your choices for lunch. Whatever the weather does, I hope you both have a good day.

  8. I'll have several slices of traybake, thank you.

  9. I am hoping that the Sunday weather was fine and that you all could pursue your plans for the day. Over here in NYC we are in for a scorcher, with lots of humidity on the side...this afternoon's temperature might reach 100 F. Unbelievably, there is a trianthalon competion underway all over the city. Crazy.

    I do like the sound of a picnic slice, and wouldn't mind trying one of those pork pies, either.

    Best wiehes. xo

  10. The sound of his picnic lunch reads as delicious! I hope the walk occurs!

