Saturday 4 July 2015

Two Summer signs.

A walk round the paddock with Tess after lunch produced these two photographs - both the epitome of Summer to me.   Firstly the perfect English rose - wild, pink and sweet smelling, climbing all over the hedgerows at this time of the yearAnd secondly new cones growing on the Scots Pines - growing and, if necessary, pushing off last years cones in the process.   To everything there is a season.


  1. The roses look like our wild roses here, but unfortunately, ours have no scent. (My spell checker just wrote nascent). Pretty day there. I puttered around outside until the temperature went higher. I watched the goldfish and tadpoles, interacted with the cats and cawed at the crows I've been feeding. We had a thunderstorm come through last eve while I was driving through the gale and it started to hail. I told my husband, "Weaver just posted about golf ball sized hail." I was worried. He said just drive and we'll outrun it. I guess we did because it quit.

  2. Cloudy and rain showers all day, but I think / hope true rain will hold off so the fireworks can go off tonight.

    My goodness those roses are lovely. I recall a song from the 50's I guess called Ramblin' Rose by Nat King Cole. And one often heard song references to wild roses back then. Probably only in country music now, but I'm not sure as it has become too, well, not country to me. So I don't listen to the radio any more.

    Anyway, you wrote of roses, so I guess big storms were not a problem for you and the Farmer last night. Excellent non-news.
    :) m & jb

  3. It does indeed look like summer, wild roses are so beautiful.

  4. So very beautiful. The wild climbing sweet smelling rose.
    I would love to be there the scent must be wonderful.
    The pine cones we have here too.

    cheers, parsnip

  5. I love those dog roses. It always amuses me that on the same plant some flowers are almost white, whilst others are dark pink.

  6. Still very humid here but quite a nice day for the farmer's fortnightly walk with his walking group. But he will take his waterproofs!!

  7. I must get out a do a bit more gardening while it is cooler. I love wild roses too and those cones are the ones that you wouldn't want dropping on your head when they fall! It's a long time since we had open fires but would they burn well, I wonder.

  8. Love the wild roses too - we also have honeysuckle in the hedgerows so walking the lanes at this time of year is glorious!

  9. Am I right to refer to these "wild roses" as dog roses? I'm a lousy botanist that's for sure!

  10. I just love the scent of wild roses - we have many different species and colors here - one of my favorite flowers to photograph - as you can tell from my header.
