Tuesday 7 July 2015

The best antidote.

I have just decided on the best antidote to all the problems in the world at present.   It is do as I usually do on a Tuesday morning - sit with friend W in The Post Horn Cafe in our market square and watch the world and his wife go past the window.  Tap and wave in any special friends and enjoy a coffee together and one of the best cheese/fruit scones you will find anywhere in the UK.

Come home to an ecstatic welcome from the dog and have a solitary lunch as the farmer has gone to recce a possible walk for the walking group (he has gone with a friend).   Eat a solitary lunch of a Cornish Pasty from Andy's Bakery - a pasty which I certainly don't need after that scone, but that will taste delicious as I eat it and try to do today's Sudoku in The Times.   Then take the dog round the fields for a rabbit walk and forget that anything is wrong with the world.

Is that such a terrible thing to do when any other approach would be entirely pointless anyway?


  1. I quite agree. You can't roll water uphill, but it amusing to watch others try.

  2. I think it is the perfect antidote. If there was anything we could do to improve things, we'd be doing it. However, there isn't and we only have one life so why not enjoy it.

  3. That sounds like the perfect day. Don't stress about things over which we have no control and enjoy good food and good company. -Jenn

  4. Sounds about perfect to me, I refuse to worry about the rest of the world, my family is quite enough.

  5. As an expert at worrying my entire life, it all goes and the worrying doesn't help a bit, though I can't help it. But, for those who can, I always think of Buddha's last words - "All things pass away. Strive on".

  6. I'm so glad you are just pootling too, like I said yesterday!

  7. Donna Baker took my words, and I am glad beacouse her English is better than mine.

  8. My mom always said, "This, too, shall pass." I hated it when she said it. But, it is true. And it passes a damn sight faster than we know. Einstein, and relativity , and all that. So, I say hold the deepest love and empathy for this old suffering world for a while every day. Then put it aside and enjoy the delights of your life for the rest of the day.

  9. I am not sure today what is best.

  10. Would that I could Weave, but I do worry about what is happening and I do listen to the news and read the papers. I have some of the answers but no-one will listen to me!
    Sounds like you had a lovely day.

  11. Thanks everyone. On this anniversary of ten years since the London bombings I am sure we are all aware of the state of the world - it sure isn't getting any better. But I think Donna's comment should give us all hope for the future.

  12. Weaver, you are quite the philosopher! I like your attitude.

  13. I like your post. I also like what you wrote to Donna (and all of us)!


  14. At this point in our weary world, I think it is quite the only thing to do!

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. A near prefect day , aside from the Sudoku bit.

  17. The beauty of the everyday is such a balm, isn't it?
    Sometimes we all need to unplug and remove ourselves.
    To think clearer, and to stay sane.
