Sunday 26 July 2015

Spam Party

Nine of us sat down to the spam party lunch today at friend E's.  I had to call on the way at the shop to buy some freezerbags as I have run out and there are raspberries galore to freeze.   The 1940's weekend was still in full swing, although black clouds were gathering.  A pipe band was playing in one square, our local band was playing in another square, there was bopping as yesterday and folk in uniforms were strolling around.

Then we arrived at E's to a drink and pre-lunch nibbles and chat.   Once we were all assembled we went in to a beautifully set table with E's lovely collection of china and silver.  We had fried spam with carrots, cabbage, mashed potato, apple sauce, fried onions, and liver and onions for anyone who didn't want spam.   For puds there was summer pudding and/or gooseberry crumble with cream and custard.   This was followed by cheese and biscuits and then mints and coffee.   We sat for around three hours and a lovely time was had by all.   By the time we left it was pouring with rain and the 1940's weekend had been washed away.   It was so cold (12 degrees) that the central heating went on as soon as we arrived home.

Just a couple of photographs to give you a flavour of the event - plus one of the farmer in the rocking chair.  Have a pleasant sunday evening.


  1. Rationing doesn't appear to be biting too hard in Yorkshire. Where's our summer gone?

  2. You sure seem to be busy Weaver. You must have to keep a schedule to fit it all in. Looks like a good time was had by all.

  3. What a fun evening.
    I see no rationing in the drinks department !
    How wonderful, a photo of the Farmer !

    We need more rain so send some over to me !
    cheers, parsnip

  4. Looks as though a good weekend was had by all. Good job the rain held off until the last moment. Don't remember Spam but do remember being sent to a shop to buy whale meat soon after the war ended as, I think, it was off ration.

  5. The perfect menu for the 1940s weekend - did you have to take your ration books with you, or your own food?!! The farmer looks very comfortable in the rocking chair. I hope the weather improves so he can get back to work in more pleasant conditions. It's horrible down here too and not a bit like July.

  6. Very nice menu (well except for the spam, not a fan), nice full plates and plenty of treats and nibbles.

  7. 'Spam Party' sounds like some sort of sexually deviant get together, but I am relieved to see that it was not, Weave.

  8. Thank you so much for the photographs of this delightful 1940s themed get together. It looks like such fun, and yes, as others have already ration books required!

    Grand that most of the outdoor weekend activities also took place before the clouds opened up.

    Also grand to see the photograph of the Farmer having a brief rest. I also love sitting in a rocking of the very first items of furniture I bought way back in 1967.

    Let's see what else...oh yes, lucky you to have all those raspberries...and to have had summer pudding at the lunch party.


  9. Hello .
    The party looks lovely. Spam is extremely popular in Hawaii and has been since WW11. Spam musabai which is spam and sushi rice is a favourite snack , much like scotch eggs . Sad to say but winter here into part of Australia is warmer , Sunday was 19c.

  10. Ahhhh, there's the Spam. I would gladly eat Spam to avoid liver and onions! !2C is quite cool; I bet the central heat was welcomed. It is 30C here today, which suits me fine. Cheers!

  11. Everyone looked like they had a lovely full plate. No shortage of food at your spam dinner due to rationing.

    Curious about the green ball shaped object with yellow and red handles the farmer is using. Is that a salt and pepper shaker?

    Very nice photo of the farmer. Sorry to hear that summer is over and you need the central heating. It is very hot here in the Midwest USA and our central A/C is most needed.

    I do enjoy reading your blog. Thank you for taking the time to post.

  12. Glad to see you were drinking Australian wine (though not available in the 1940's, I suspect!)

  13. And, and, what were the Spam Fritters like? I presume that your silence says all.

  14. So glad you had a good day. Looks like quite fun sitting around the full tables. And, for future reference, if you need a new Spam recipe you know to contact me.

  15. So glad you had a good day. Looks like quite fun sitting around the full tables. And, for future reference, if you need a new Spam recipe you know to contact me.

  16. That looks like a lovely get-together. Tell the Farmer he scrubs up a treat! What a shame the 1940s weekend ended up a washout. It rained all day here and, looking out the window this morning, has just started again . . .

  17. What a great feast. I would have had the spam and the liver! Nice to see what the framer looks like, though he seems doubtful about having his image caught!

  18. That looks a lovely 'spam' party, and so much food as well. What a lovely setting for friends to meet.

  19. I love the idea of a 1940's week, it seems to be catching on. Do you ever remember The Monty Python Spam song? Spam, Spam,Spam,Spam wonderful Spam!

  20. The green ball shaped object is indeed pepper Sandy - didn't fit in too well with the other absolutely beautiful china and silver on the table - our friend has the most lovely array of things which she has inherited over the years.
    The farmer does indeed hate his photograph being taken Frances - I have to catch him off guard.
    Yes, it was a lovely gathering. Back down to earth today - pouring with rain.
