Wednesday 15 July 2015


It is now late evening and I have only just had time to sit down at the computer.   It has really been a day and a half.

To begin with I slept badly and finally woke up at 5am.   The man was coming to service the central heating boiler and the Aga and as we had switched the Aga off last evening, I knew it would be cold.  So I came downstairs, had a cup of redbush tea and a round of toast and then set about cleaning the cooker.

The heating man came at ten past eight which meant an early breakfast.   Shortly after his arrival the decorator came to look at the two rooms we want decorating, so I had to show him round the bedroom and the kitchen and discuss the details with him.

I had to have Tess at the hairdressers for a quarter past ten and it is ten miles away.  Rushing, I put down my hearing aid and then couldn't find it at the last minute.   It was only when I went back in my mind over what I had been doing that I thought to look in my handbag and luckily it was there.   I hear very little without it.

It is ten miles to the dog parlour and by the time I got back home it was time to get an early lunch as it is my exercise class this afternoon.

After lunch I did an hour's exercise for the over sixties then dashed off as soon as the class finished to collect Tess again.   Back home it was time to make the sandwiches for tea and then take Tess for her afternoon walk.   No wonder I fell asleep over the News!


  1. Is the Aga what you use to do your cooking?

    Now that I have reached a certain age I am up most days at the crack of dawn. I can't remember the last time I slept thru the night. When I was young and my children were little sleep was often interrupted and they got up early. Now that I have nothing to wake me up my body doesn't cooperate.

    For this expat hearing "round of toast" is lovely. Wouldn't know what I was talking about if used here.

    Your blog is so very interesting to read. Thanks.

  2. No wonder indeed. Sweet dreams after this busy day.

    I do agree with the prior commenter's appreciation of the expression "a round of toast." I plan to have just the same for breakfast tomorrow. With butter and strawberry jam.


  3. I hate days like that. I am not sorry I enrolled the girls in summer art classes, but I am sorry they are in the evening. By the time I collect them at 7:30, have a short chat with the teacher and drive ten miles home, I wonder how much more steam I'll have left in me.

  4. Busy but satisfying. At least to read!
    :) m & jb

  5. Oh My Goodness there are days like this !

    cheers, parsnip

  6. I feel tired just reading about it.

  7. I'd leave the exercise class out of course! being tired at the end of the day makes you sleep better and Tess must look a lot prettier now....

  8. Before I read that I was looking forward to retiring in a couple of years' time. Now I'm not so sure that I have the stamina for it.

  9. Yes Sandy - the Aga is oil fired and is my only means of cooking apart from an electric hob. It took some getting used to when we had it installed fifteen years ago as there is no temperature guide - you judge the heat by which shelf you put your cooking on. But once you get used to it it is marvellous and I wouldn't be without it.

    And yes Thelma - I slept like a log last night.

  10. That is a lot to pack into one day. Take care!

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