Thursday 9 July 2015

An early morning laugh!

Something to make you laugh this morning.

I shop on our market on Fridays for most of my good, fresh food.  I supplement this during the week by going into our local, very good shop for extra fruit and vegetables.   But the stuff which is heavy and awkward to carry I order on line from the large supermarket on Catterick Garrison, which is a few miles away.  This includes toilet rolls in packs of nine (awkward to carry), semi-skimmed milk (heavy to carry) cleaning and washing products and tinned food (mainly various kinds of beans), the Irish oats we like for our morning porridge, cans of dog food (very heavy) - this kind of thing.   

It is delivered each Tuesday morning very early and I have got into a routine of washing out the cupboards and the fridge before I put everything away.   It all works very well.

Imagine my surprise yesterday morning when my on line order included 27 toilet rolls (3 packs of nine).  My hand had been heavy on the button when ordering, and I hadn't checked it over.   Once before I ordered 6 jars of our favourite marmalade (Tiptree).
The moral is to keep your finger light on the button.

A friend once received one carrot -so there is another moral there - read the things on offer carefully.

Anyway, the good news is that we shall not need any more toilet paper for a very long time. 


  1. I like the idea of one carrot being delivered. I live next door to Waitrose and I would love them to deliver one carrot to me in a van, but they only deliver on orders over £50. I know they are expensive, but even their carrots aren't that much.

  2. Definitely a special offer. Next delivery will include extra beans.

  3. My delivered orders are quite accurate. (Not that your wasn't!) I take my granddaughters to the store with the list and seat my self in the waiting area by the checkouts. They have become excellent shoppers.

  4. One of my grandsons recently received THREE MOLE TRAPS through the post. Lady Magnon has similar problems when ordering on line!!!

  5. I have ordered many things online but never I still find it strange ... Hugs! deb

  6. Hiya Pat! Funny story. Online food shopping becoming popular here with people who work 24/7. I see the trucks making home deliveries at 9 PM!

    I have to be careful with the pen and paper technology when I am not going to be the one executing it. I wrote down SOAP. Husband brought home several varieties of SOUP (since I had not specified which kind I wanted.......because I didn't want any) but, of course, no soap. We went unbathed that week. Just kidding.

    Happy day! xo, m & jb

  7. I did that recently on a food order too. I order the same things you do, things too heavy or awkward. We have 12 steps up to our house and my poor husband has to haul it up, so by ordering I get it delivered to the front door.

  8. LOL! Thank you for a very good tip on tissue

  9. Very funny.
    But I must say a very important part of life and much needed.
    I always have extra toilet tissue no point in running out.
    Love the one carrot delivery.

    cheers, parsnip

  10. I shall not be so heavy-handed next week when I press the button to order!
    Thanks for the visit.

  11. I shall not be so heavy-handed next week when I press the button to order!
    Thanks for the visit.

  12. How apt that your comment came out twice.

  13. Thanks for the chuckle! It reminds me of my early computer days when I was a little impatient and couldn't understand why the printer wasn't responding. Eventually it did what I wanted but the next time I used it, it spat out 6 more copies of my previous task.

  14. This post made me smile, and reminded me of a lyric from that very vintage Rolling Stones tune, Giimme Shelter...

    It's only a kiss away, kiss away.

    Or perhaps a few clicks.

    Now you can consider yourself a commodities trader. Prices always do seem to go up. xo

  15. Well done Rachel for spotting that - I hadn't seen it, so that doesn't bode well
    for my order this coming week does it!!!?

  16. One carrot? That's hilarious!!

    I don't very often order online, but when I do it's usually multiples of stuff like cleaning sprays, toilet and kitchen rolls, washing and dishwashing supplies and any special offers going, if it's for things we use. We have a spare room, and better to buy cheap and store it than run out! After all, it's not very likely that we'll stop washing clothes, washing up or using the toilet facilities, is it?
