Tuesday 23 June 2015

Mr Pheasant.

Some time ago I posted a blog about Mr Pheasant and his retinue of adoring ladies, who frequented our bird table every day and who almost fed from the farmer's hand every morning.He really was dressed in his finest array - with a thick white collar and a white stripe down the middle of his head, which set him off from other cock birds and made him even more distinctive.

He is still around, but what a pathetic specimen.   All his ladies have deserted and gone off to raise families along the field margins. His job is done for another year; he has no need to attract anything or anyone.   And, by golly, it shows. 

His coat is drab; all his bright plumage has either dulled or fallen out;  he skulks all day under the bushes by the bird table, rarely bothering to fly or even walk away; he looks utterly miserable.   Seems this is man's lot.


  1. Once again you've given me insight into seasonal changes in the country. I do admit that since it's gotten very hot and humid here in New York City, we are all walking around looking a bit tired and drippy, and trying to cut back on our outdoor time. One really good thunderstorm might improve our lot. Meanwhile, I've got some empathy for that pheasant.

  2. He only presses his best suit and wears a clean shirt and tie to impress the ladies!!

  3. Perhaps if Mr Pheasant took to making the nest and raising the chicks, too, like Mr Wren, he wouldn't have to spend most of his time sulking and skulking. Charming little tale, though.

  4. At least the girlfriends don't eat him.

  5. awwww poor baby !
    At lest he is not eaten after like the male bee.

    cheers, parsnip

  6. Poor guy needs to listen to some good ol' Memphis Blues. That'll cheer him up.
    ;) m & jb

  7. Time for roast Pheasant, methinks.

  8. It's no fun with out and audience!

