Sunday 24 May 2015

Back again.

Thank you to everyone who showed concern at my absence.   The farmer and I have been away on holiday and it did seem a sensible idea not to publicise the fact on my blog page.   But it has really been heartening that folk are so concerned - thank you all so much.

We spent a few days in Lincoln (my home town) and then a week at The White Lion Hotel in Aldeburgh on the Suffolk coast.   It is an area which has always interested me - it was for many years the home of the composer Benjamin Britten and his partner Peter Pears.   We went round The Red House, which was his home, and I must say that I found it all very inspiring.

And we met - and went for coffee - to see Sue and her husband Col.
They invited us round one morning - their small-holding being only a very few miles from where we were staying.   We had a lovely chat and also a tour of their set up.   Golly, they both work hard and keep the whole place in such a smart way.   We really enjoyed our time with them - so thank you to you both. (a quiet life in Suffolk on my side bar).

We drove back to Lincoln yesterday and have driven home today - I thought (quite rightly as it happened) that the journey was too far for one day  for the farmer to drive.   It was interesting staying uphill by the Cathedral last night as this weekend there is a convention of Harley Davidson drivers in Lincoln.   There are hundreds of tents on the Lincolnshire Showground field, and many of the hotels are full.   Judging from the signs on the back of the hundreds of bikes we saw, the drivers seem to have come from all over Europe.   Masses of middle-aged, rather portly, grey haired men, standing around in groups and talking bikes.

Our bedroom window in The White Lion Hotel (lovely and I can thoroughly recommend it) looked over the sea and I was fascinated to see this fisherman go out to his crab and lobster pots each morning and then sell his fish from the shack on the shingle.


  1. I'm really glad to see you are back......Other people sometimes say they are taking a blog break because of reasons other than travel, even when that is the reason. I do understand why you would not want to publicize that, though I doubt your readers want to rob you. Still, one never knows who ones readers might be! But I am very glad you are posting again.

  2. That looked like a nice break, Weave. Damn - I had been waiting for you to say you were on holiday so I could go round and burgle you, but you foiled my little plan.

  3. Sounds like a lovely getaway Pat. . . . . enjoying the pix and seeing the Suffolk area, a place I've yet to visit.
    We don't mind leaving our home because our neighbors are right next door and they watch out for the house and garden. Lovely people who actually mowed our grass TWICE whilst we were in Europe this time! We'll be off again soon, back across the pond, with the youngest grandchild to celebrate her high school graduation - please order sunshine for Torquay in mid-June , thanks!!!!
    Mary -

  4. I did wonder if you were off on your holiday as I had read your plans sometime back when I was doing catch up reading.

    Did you make it to Snape Maltings which is not far from Aldeburgh?

    I grew up in Suffolk so you were not far from my old stomping grounds.

    Pleased you are back and look forward to reading your daily blog.


  5. I'm so glad you're back! I thought you had mentioned a holiday, so I was trying not to worry about you.
    It sounds like a wonderful trip. How nice you got to meet Sue and Col! (I found her blog through you and enjoy reading about their life in Suffolk)
    Your description of the Harley convention made me laugh out loud. We have a dealership in town and when they have events, it's the same kind of crowd.
    Thanks for sharing your trip with us.

  6. I might get over it. If you tell us you had a day out in Norwich I wont. Welcome home.

  7. Welcome home, those of short memory (like me) did not register with the holiday, so worried..... Glad you had a good time on holiday, that is what they are for anyways.

  8. So glad to see you back Weaver! I have sorely missed our almost daily visits, although i must say moving into our new home has kept me quite busy.... I hope to be back to regular posting soon. Hugs! deb

  9. Good to have you back. Someone put a comment on another blog that you were on holiday, so I wasn't too worried! Do you have someone to look after the farm when you are away? Looking forward to daily posts again.

  10. Now you are home safe and sound I've done my picture too. It was lovely to meet you.
    I'll look forward to reading your lovely posts about the farm everyday again. Look how many people missed you!

  11. Welcome back, and tell us more. Did Tess go, too? I can see her little terrier face enjoying the breeze.

  12. Oh, lucky you ... we love Suffolk and have stayed there (the Wentworth Hotel) on about three occasions, but not for about a dozen years now. It seems a bit of a hike from Torbay, but we could do it in stages in our old age, I think!
    Love Aldeburgh, and the wonderful walk along the boardwalk from Snape to Iken. Love Snape and have been to concerts there - the best, not a classical one (for we love classical music) but the Temperence Seven! Who can remember those, I wonder!
    Margaret P

  13. I'm glad your absence was for such a good reason - I didn't remember the planned trip so hoped there was no crisis! Of course, telling the world you're leaving your house unoccupied (KILB) isn't a sensible thing to do! Do your tradespeople want the key left in the letterbox too?

    Keep safe, we're glad you're back!!

  14. Welcome Home - glad you had a good time and safe journeys. I remembered you saying a while back that a holiday was in the offing.
    Many years ago we stayed at Thorpeness just along the coast, and would walk into Aldeburgh for shopping. We bought crab and lobster from a fisherman but probably not the same one you saw - maybe his father or grandfather!

  15. Good! You're back, and so glad you had such a lovely holiday....

  16. Welcome back, I did wonder where you'd been. I also wait until we're home to say anything about a trip we're taking. Why give out info to strangers looking to burgle.
    Have always wanted to see Sutton Hoo.

  17. Sounds like a lovely holiday!
    Happy you've returned, safe, sound, and happy.

  18. ...our last Aldeburgh stay was at The White Lion...booked in again for the Poetry Festival later in the year!!
