Wednesday 29 April 2015

What's not to like?

It was our Poetry afternoon.  Nine of us read our favourite poetry in the lovely warm conservatory at friend W's - the sun shining in and totally sheltered from the icy wind outside.   As usual a good selection of Poetry of all kinds - nobody chose the same poem (this does sometimes happen) and there were nice discussions after each, and lots of laughter.   What a lovely afternoon.
Then it was home to get the tea and then a chat to a friend who I have not seen for around 40 years.   Can you think of a nicer day
because I certainly can't.

I am trying to avoid the News as much as possible because I am totally sick of electioneering, false promises, media hype and all the rest.   But I do want to know how the rescue operation is getting on in a desperate Nepal; it does seem as though some aid is at last getting there.   The people must have almost given up hope.


  1. From what you say here and from what others say I tend to think there will be a low turn out on election day (is this planned?) unless something unexpected happens.

  2. Events in Nepal are dreadful. It makes all our electioneering seem so petty.

  3. It does sound like a lovely day.
    Don't watch the news it is awful.
    And all the riots In Baltimore are all our fault and none of the teen boys and gang members who started it.
    Goodness !
    I would still like to live where you do 1 month of lies and it is over. Over here it never stops !

    cheers, parsnip

  4. Horrible situation in Nepal. It strikes me how patient the people are, however, especially contrasted with those in the U.S. when a disaster a fraction of the magnitude occurs here.

  5. I think there will be a higher turn out than people think.

  6. Your poetry group sounds delightful. Does appear some aid is getting through. Such a desperate situation.

    I just finished a book of Mary Oliver poems. I'm not the best at poetry, but I love her work. So filled with nature. And life. And love.

  7. Your day sounds perfection to me. I have just spent the past two weeks connecting with friends I have not seen for several decades and it has been rich with warmth, smiles and happiness.

  8. re The Election. We are all to have free kittens, be re-connected with long-lost friends, and be given a third kitchen tap marked 'wine'. The promises are getting out of hand.

  9. That sounds like such a lovely day. I can't bear to watch the news either. The situation in Nepal is unimaginable - thank goodness aid is getting through.

  10. Cro's comments are brilliant and did a lot to lighten the situation for me at any rate.
    Thanks for coming.

  11. Politicians turning water into wine . . huh . . what'll they think of next? I had a friend who could turn beer into water.

  12. We are avoiding the news too Pat, for the same reasons. Alongside the Nepal rescue operation, electioneering just doesn't seem that important.
