Sunday 8 March 2015


The grass is just beginning to think about growing - and never forget that grass is the most important thing of all in our Dales farms, where almost every field is grass for cows and/or sheep.   The few that are not are growing food for cattle in Winter.

We have recently had our grass fields tested and we find that they are in need of lime.   So tomorrow morning the farmer will be ordering lime to be spread before the grass really gets going.   Hopefully I can get a photograph when the lime comes.


  1. That's if you can see anything in the cloud of dust Weave.

  2. Rachel has just said exactly what I was going to say!
    I shall have exciting(?) muck spreading photos on my next post!

  3. The Farmers work is never done !

    cheers, parsnip

  4. Spring time work on the farm - always busy. Love the header too.

  5. As Parsnip has already commented, what I learn from this post continues to tell me more and more about the seasons. Much more than any calendar could tell.

    Best wishes. xo

  6. Your sharing makes us appreciate the coming of Spring!

    ALOHA from Honolulu

  7. I mowed our lawn and small paddock yesterday.... if I have time, I'll do the orchard and Croquet lawn today. It's almost once-a-week time here.

  8. Love the new header! It's so bright and cheery.
    Once the snow melts (if it ever melts) and the subsequent mud dries slightly, I'm certain the lime will be flying here as well.
    A sure sign of SPRING!

  9. I did ask the farmer if the lime had to be delivered on a still day but he seems to think that it soon settles anyway. Time will tell.
    Thanks for calling.

  10. We are starting to see springs of green here also. YAY!

    Linda ★★

  11. I hope it isn't too windy on the day the lime is spread. Having said that, I'm sure the farmer will chose the right day.

  12. The suppliers of the lime have asked us to give them a call when the weather has improved a little and the ground has dried up - so watch this space.
