Sunday 22 February 2015

An early posting.

An early posting today before I get ready for my friends coming.  I have just switched on to do my Tesco order for the week, so this is going on at the same time.

The ham turned out first class and is all ready for carving.   I have to make the salad and I forgot tomatoes but am too lazy to go back into town for them so shall do without them.   The almond tart for sweet at lunch time is made and the farmer sampled a bit for tea last night so I know that is alright too.   Now I am really looking forward to seeing my friends - I just hope that the snow on the high ground doesn't deter them from coming; whichever way them come they have to cross the watershed of the Pennines.

When we go to bed we always put Tess in her crate and shut the door.   She sleeps by the Aga so she is always nice and warm.   Last night the farm cats were at the door asking for milk and in his rush to give i n to their demands (he is besotted with Blackie!) he forgot to close the crate door.   Luckily I forgot to take my medication and had to come down stairs.   I met a rather worried Tess at the bottom of the stairs wondering whether to come up and jump on the bed or whether to sneak into the sitting room and curl up on the settee in front of the wood burner.   I think, from the look on her face, she was quite relieved to have all her choices removed.
Now I shall press on with my soup-making (parsnip and apple ) very warming on such a cold day.   Have a good weekend.


  1. Sounds as if you are all organised. Parsnip and apple soup sounds interesting.

  2. Wouldn't mind the recipe for the soup Pat.

  3. Mmmmm. Parsnip and apple! Nice soup.

  4. Only the table will be groaning. Everyone else will be smiling.

  5. We all love our routines, don't we. Poor Tess, too many choices.

  6. awwww Tess what choices, mine would pick the bed.
    Such a sweet little lady.
    They way you cooked your ham sounds so wonderful.

    cheers, parsnip

  7. Perhaps Tess was wondering whether to come upstairs to remind you that her crate door hadn't been closed! It's definitely soup weather - your menu sounds delicious.

  8. Goodness, I would like to come and visit you! I hope you will include me in the next invitation! :)It is lovely sounding food.

  9. As the weather has closed in this morning and there are frequent blizzards, our friends have set off on their return journey. Lots left for lunch so not much to do. We really enjoyed their visit - nothing like friends to make a weekend go with a swing. Thanks for calling by.
