Wednesday 24 December 2014

A Very Happy Christmas and a Joyful and Peaceful New Year to all my blogging friends.


  1. Merry Cristmas to you and your family.

  2. Happy Christmas!
    Wishing you both all good things in the New Year!

  3. A Happy Christmas to you too Weaver

  4. And to you, and thank you for all your wonderful blogging insights into the farming world over the last year!

  5. I feel that I now know a tiny bit about The Dales thanks to you. Have fun. Cro xx

  6. Merry Christmas to you and yours!

  7. Happy Christmas Weaver. Thank you for your lovely blog - it's lovely reading it to keep in touch with life in the Dales as it's our favourite place but we can only be there for holidays.

  8. Happy Christmas to you and yours. The required field was not left blank. I am not a robot.

  9. A very Merry Christmas to you and yours! It has been a great pleasure to visit here during the past year and see beautiful Yorkshire through your eyes.

    I now look forward to what you will show us in 2015.


  10. Merry Christmas To You, the Farmer and Tess.
    One of my best presents was starting to follow you and all the adventures of living on a farm in Yorkshire.

    cheers, gayle
    The Square Ones

  11. Hi Pat!
    Merry, Merry Christmas to you and the Farmer and Tess!
    xo, m & jb

  12. Happy Christmas from me too. I have enjoyed reading your blog recently and learning a bit about farming in your beautiful part of Yorkshire. X

  13. Merry Christmas and have a lovely day with the Farmer in the Dales. We will be thinking of you down on the east coast.

  14. Happy Christmas Weaver, to you and the Farmer. It's a privilege to share your insights into life on the other side of the world, and I thank you for it.

    We are sharing our Christmas Day with extended family in a nearby city, expecting a day around 25 degrees.... a far cry from your chilly winter! We'll still have hot turkey, but surround it with cold ham and salads. We bought the ham up and everyone contributes something so it is a reasonably easy day for the host family.

  15. Hoping that you and the Farmer have a very Happy Christmas! DWx

  16. I'm fascinated by the two portrait drawings; do tell!

  17. And to you and the Farmer! Have a wonderful Christmas.

  18. Happy Christmas to both of you and have a marvellous fruitful blogging New Year as well. X

  19. Happy Christmas to you, and thank you for your wonderful blog!

  20. It seems you are drifting peacefully into the new year, and in the most organized fashion to be imagined. Snow on the hill tops but not in the yard would be just perfect.

  21. I agree, books are the best presents to receive. I had to laugh, I watched a Downton Abbey marathon yesterday and will have to go on a long hike today to make up for sitting so long!!

    Merry Christmas!!
