Monday 29 December 2014

A Christmas Present.

I thought that readers of my blog might like to see this lovely picture which was one of my presents at Christmas - from the artist herself.   It is a lino cut of cattle grazing just below Lady Hill in Wensleydale.  If you wish to see more of Denise's work go to her website at Denise

We are being very lucky with the weather here in the Dales - still, sunny and very frosty.  Just the right kind of weather for 'slurry leading' and that is exactly what the farmer is doing.   He has taken a couple of loads from the midden at the back of the loose housing, and now he is collecting loads from our friend and neighbour's slurry tank to spread on the frozen fields at our farm.   The ground is nice and firm with frost and the tractor and slurry tanker will make little or no impression on the ground.

Too cold to hang out the washing today, so it is drying indoors.   This will be the last week to hang it on the rack above the Aga, as the farmer has bought me a tumble drier - which comes next week!!
Have a good New Year's Eve.


  1. Gorgeous picture! It's so clearly Yorkshire, isn't it?

  2. What a beautiful picture. It has been a bright and frosty day here too. A clear night tonight, so another crisp day tomorrow. Keep warm and enjoy your new 'toy'!

  3. What a wonderful gift. She is a fabulous artist.

    cheers, parsnip

  4. What a wonderful gift!
    Love to see cattle grazing. How special to get a gift from the artist herself.

  5. Lovely picture, what a thoughtful gift

  6. Another new dangled dad get, eh? Stick to the rack. stay with tradition. Have a good new year! Hope no noisy fireworks in the dales.

  7. Dad get above means gadget, drat these intelligent preemptive computer strikes!

  8. The sun in that picture is striking. Nicely realized by an obvious artist. Enjoy it for many years of such bright cold diamond-days.

    ALOHA from Honolulu

  9. I remember long and dreary lines of clothes for a family of six drying in the basement in my childhood winters. Although above the Aga sounds far more cheerful, a dryer sounds best of all.

  10. I love lino prints. They have a quality all of their own. I did do a few myself back in the 1960's, but all were stolen.

  11. Thanks - I have passed your comments on to the artist.

  12. What a lovely present the print is, there is a similar stand of trees on the hillside above our place in Coverdale. I always read your blog to get a weather report on 'home'!

  13. As 2014 draws to close, seems an
    appropriate time to say how much I
    enjoy your wonderful blog posts.
    You write so well about The Dales
    and your joy in living there. I'm
    not a commenter, but I never miss
    an entry. You are going to wonder
    how you ever managed without a
    tumble dryer

  14. If I don't get the chance
    Happy new year to you
