Thursday 9 October 2014

Today's new class.

Today I started a new afternoon class on The Art and Literature of The British Countryside.   It will continue every Thursday throughout October.   It was really interesting and there was a group of ten of us, all happy to join in and participate.   Today's
topic was 'Rural Life and the Landed Classes.   We looked at the
Luttrell Psalter, The Nun's Priest's Tale (my favourite piece of Chaucer) as well as the paintings of Thomas Gainsborough amongst others.   It is so good to get together and chat about things we are all interested in.

After yesterday's class on Moving to Music for the over 60's I feel really fit today - plenty of energy, which just goes to prove that it doesn't do to sit around.   Tomorrow an afternoon of Diaries of Yorkshire Women of the eighteenth and nineteenth century.   Golly my head will be so full of information.

However, I was brought up short as we left the class (in the absolute pouring rain incidentally) when a lady who had been in the class with me let me share her umbrella as we crossed the yard to our cars.   She said how much she had enjoyed the afternoon and I agreed, saying that I had been to a previous class run by our tutor.   She asked me what it was about - I knew it was also on Art and Literature - but I had to admit that I couldn't remember the subject.   Now, three hours later - and I still have not remembered, so I am signing off, going upstairs to the study and looking out the papers from that course.   I am ashamed.


  1. I am sure your head was so full of new information that no shame is necessary. Be kind to yourself. I am fascinated by the Luttrell Psalter - your classes sound so interesting. We have had several very heavy downpours here today and I have christened my new waterproof coat.

  2. It'll come to you in a flash pat
    Whoever you are

  3. I "fully and rully" understand that feeling Pat! I can have deep blanks of the simplest information - yesterday it was the name of the street my son has lived in for five years.... I felt such a fool - my 'best friend from early childhood lived there, and I knew it as well as I know my own, but could I recall it!

  4. I bet it will come to you in the middle of the night, when you will probably sit up straight and shout it at your husband. No, wait, that would be me!

  5. Ah but it is all in there, in YOU!

    ALOHA from Honolulu

  6. ….don't feel bad Pat, it happens to all of us. In fact happened to me this afternoon while having tea on the front porch with my friend Jeanette - thankfully Bob was upstairs and I called to him for the answer - we all had a good laugh about it. Well no use crying, then it would all be so much worse then….what was I saying anyway?

    I'm with John Gray on this subject - that crazy guy - he'd be worth an overseas trip to Wales - and I could then see my friends who live in Prestatyn. It's called killing two birds with one stone! Not that I would ever kill birds with anything.
    I'm tired and silly so off to bed now.
    Hugs, Mary

  7. I couldn't remember what book I am reading at bedtime last night and I've been reading it for over a week. As I got ready for bed I was thinking I will read for a while but could I think what I was reading, all the way up the stairs, until I got to the bedroom and saw the book and then I thought oh, yes, of course, that's it.

  8. I'm so envious! Sounds like a wonderful class.

  9. I feel better after reading these. And yes, you are quite right - i did remember after a while. It was the art and literature of the 14-18 war.
    How our brains let us down sometimes.
