Monday 6 October 2014

Back to normal.

My boffin, as Virginia calls him, came this morning and sorted my computer out.   After an hour it was business as usual.   Apparently part of the trouble was that we are a business (the farm) as well as a person (me with my personal e mail) and BT are intent on combining the two things together (my boffin says they should have done this in the first place really).

The password, which I put in so many times over the past two days and which was rejected each time, was accepted this morning.   Apparently it is my personal site password and not the business one (we don't actually have a business one).

S till, ours not to reason why is my philosophy.   When I go into town in the morning I shall buy a spanking new notebook and neatly copyin all my passwords/ favourite names/first pets and all the rest.   In the meantime I shall sit back and enjoy the fact the everything is working again.

It has been an awful day here today.   After a perfect Autumn day yesterday it has poured with rain all day today - well over an inch of rain here on the Eastern side of the Pennines and probably twice that much on the Western side, where all the trains have been disrupted by fallen trees on the lines and rising water levels.   Autumn has arrived in spectacular fashion.   Our neighbouring farmer and friend was talking to the farmer this afternoon and said that the River Ure (which rises in the high Pennines, on the watershed) was rising fast and 'banking' - let us hope, as it has now temporarily stopped raining, that it begins to go down as fast as it comes up.   The river, and also our other river, the Swale, can rise up to twenty feet in an hour in really wet weather.

Not many houses flood but cattle and sheep always make for the highest ground they have got in the field and do sometimes have to be moved for safety.


  1. Glad you are up and running again. We had a filthy morning here but things improved after lunch. Nothing as dramatic as your weather thank goodness. Autumn certainly came in with all guns blazing in the north. I hope the rain eases off to allow the river levels to fall.

  2. Up and running beats the alternative, that's for sure. At our age, we can even skip the running.

  3. I'm glad you are back to normal, Pat, - I have spent the past two hours trying to access my online banking so I can pay the monthly bills, - what goes on inside the PC beats me!!! Sorry about all your rain, - I have been to Vancouver and back and have loads of wonderful sunny fall pictures, taken on the fly as we went up and over the passes.

  4. I'm glad you are back to normal, Pat, - I have spent the past two hours trying to access my online banking so I can pay the monthly bills, - what goes on inside the PC beats me!!! Sorry about all your rain, - I have been to Vancouver and back and have loads of wonderful sunny fall pictures, taken on the fly as we went up and over the passes.

  5. I'm glad you are back to normal, Pat, - I have spent the past two hours trying to access my online banking so I can pay the monthly bills, - what goes on inside the PC beats me!!! Sorry about all your rain, - I have been to Vancouver and back and have loads of wonderful sunny fall pictures, taken on the fly as we went up and over the passes.

  6. So glad your computer is back to "normal". I swear, those things have minds of their own!
    Your weather sounds wild and amazing. What we wouldn't do for your rain! The relentless winds have been our companion for the past three days. It's getting more than a little tiresome.

  7. Our weather was simply horrible this morning - wind and rain. But it cleared up for the afternoon and became a real autumnal day - "run-honey evening light" as Rosemary Sutcliff described it, with just a nip in the air. Went for a walk along the beach and snapped some photos. Glad your PC is up and running again.

  8. Glad you are back to normal..this day of online everything is scary when you can't access it!


  9. Oh I'm glad the computer is fixed - seems so disturbing when we can't get where we want to on the internet.

    We still are having lovely weather - 68 and mostly sunny - I hear the friendly frog singing and I heard the owl this morning before the sun was up. Unusual weather for October - but as long as they are handing it out - I'll take it. Plus spider webs to photograph.

  10. What a relief to be 'back to normal'. I was without my internet for a whole day recently, and almost went crazy.

  11. The rain settled in for the day here yesterday and I'm wondering how the rivers will look when I go to work this morning. The Trent rises pretty quickly - though not as fast as your local rivers.

  12. Poor Cro - no internet all day - doesn't bear thinking about. We have got to rely on it for our outside communication haven't we?
    Thanks for calling.

  13. I'm glad to learn that you and your boffin have got the computer back to full operation.

    I also value a certain little notebook where I keep an ever-lengthening series of passwords. My recording method probably makes sense only to me. Most likely that is a good thing.

    Best wishes.

  14. I put my passwords in a notebook and I put them in alphabetical order, it's easier to find the one I need.
