Monday 14 July 2014

I am a computer idiot

Thinking about my new laptop and discussing with my son what I need transferring from my old one, it quickly became obvious that I really have no idea how computers work at all.   The few things I use it for (blogging, e mails, cattle transfers, vat returns and the like) I am quite proficient at - but try to do something different and I don't understand how anything works.   I really should have gone on a Computer course when I first got my lap top - but I never did and I am not prepared to do so now.   So my resolution when the new one arrives - explore a few more avenues and learn how to do one or two things which at present defeat me.

Everyone round here has grass down.  Some for making hay, some for forage and some for silage bales.   The farmer has cut three fields for friends in the village today.   The forecast is for the weather getting hotter and hotter until Thursday when it breaks and we get thunder storms so, as the farmer's three fields are for hay, he is hoping that all goes well.   Keep your fingers crossed for us.


  1. I think you can transfer stuff from one computer to another, perhaps you may need an expert. Computers have become the backbone of our lives, annoying at times!

  2. It is actually quite difficult to do anything wrong on a computer; be fearless. You will soon have your favourites listed again.

  3. I bet you can do more than you think. Be brave. Give things a go.

  4. Fingers crossed!

    ALOHA from Honolulu
    =^..^= <3

  5. Hi Pat!
    I learned as I went. Nearly every day I have to figure out how something else works on my laptop. I'm sure it would even wash my dishes if I only figure out the right commands to type in.
    And so what if you can't transfer cyber stuff? YOU, my blogging friend, can transfer cattle!
    :) :) :)

  6. Your rain forecast sounds just about right, because over here in New York City we are expecting thunderstorms tonight, with more of the same tomorrow, before rain begins to taper off on Wednesday.

    Thank goodness it's a bit on the cool side for July right now as the humidity gathers its forces.

    Best wishes to you and your on the harvesting.

  7. We're n the same boat Pat, just muddling along, able to do the necessary and mundane but when something breaks - you wouldn't want to hear the language! We don't know how to fix anything. Last week we paid for two (expensive) hours with a lovely young man, an Apple Specialist (also a clinical social worker!). He took over the cottage and set us up with new secured wi-fi, replaced old router and battery backup etc., hooked up two new printers and got desktop, laptops, iPad (we have all Mac products now) everything up and running full speed ahead - fabulous, until something else goes wrong! I asked if we could adopt him but he's not sure his mum would agree!

    Good luck - you'll be fine I'm certain.
    Hope the weather holds for the hay.

    Hugs - Mary

  8. I hope the days stay warm.
    I am getting a new lap top and I will try to take the classes. Like you I do something fine and other thing not so great.

    cheers, parsnip

  9. In the days when second-hand computers were being sent out to tiny African village schools, they used to deliver them, turn them on, and leave the kids to fathom-out what they did. It used to take them about half an hour to have them completely mastered!

  10. There's a lot more of us computer idiots about than you think.

  11. Thanks for the encouragement - it is coming on Wednesday lunch time.
    I think Cro has a good point - children adapt much more quickly to new technology than us oldies.

  12. You are not alone, Pat... lol. My mind blanks out whenever anyone tries to tell me how to do something new on the computer. Fingers crossed for an easy transition to the new lap top and good hay cutting weather.
