Sunday 27 July 2014


One of the highest market towns in England, Hawes in about fifteen miles further into Wensleydale than where we live.   It is a thriving little town with its own shops, a thriving Auction Mart which is a centre for Swaledale sheep, and a permanent air of being a holiday town.   Even in the middle of Winter you rarely go through Hawes without there being several coach loads of tourists wandering around.
We needed to go to Hawes today, and knowing that in addition to plenty of tourist coaches there would also be the inevitable hordes of motor cyclists who go there on Sunday mornings and congregate in one or other of the outside cafes, we went very early.
It was a lovely journey, as it always is.   And, as usual, I thought about how living here makes us take the scenery forgranted, whereas if we were up here on holiday we would be looking at the fields full of sheep, the river, the hills, the ancient buildings and gasping at the beauty of it all.
I took a couple of photos going into Hawes.   The Tour de France went through the outskirts of the town and the inhabitants really decorated the town for the occasion.   They have left the bunting, the hanging baskets, the yellow bikes in place for the Summer - and what a lovely place it looks.
It will be different in the middle of Winter, when its height makes it prone to snow, rain, strong winds and bitterly cold weather. But let's enjoy it while it is there.
The biggest downside I suppose to living up there is that it is so far from anywhere.   A visit to hospital means a journey of around just under sixty miles.



Heather said...

It all looks very festive with the bunting and those lovely hanging baskets. They make a perfect contrast to the grey stone buildings.

Joanne Noragon said...

You captured the holiday feel, although in the summer no one can put up and care for too many hanging baskets.

Barbara said...

I love the look of the flower baskets against the old stone! It looks like it was a lovely day for a drive.
You're right about taking the scenery for granted. Visitors often comment on the view...reminding us to look up and take notice of our beautiful world once in a while.

angryparsnip said...

I must admit I was one of those tourist, not in a coach we rented a car and looked at all your beautiful scenery. It was a James Herriot's fault.
I love that I could have passed you some were. I was there in the fall and once in December.
I love the flowering baskets too. I hope they can keep that up.

cheers, parsnip

MorningAJ said...

You're not as isolated as you think. A round trip to hospital is just under 40 miles here. Of course, our nearest hospital is just six miles away - but it's not OUR designated hospital. Crazy, isn't it?

Cloudia said...

Gosh, though we are on the islands most remote from a continent, we are on a snug island with hospital much much close than 60 mile!

But distance, and being where others wish to visit, is just right for me; and you seem to be the voice of the Dales to us; I often think of the life your describe so well.

ALOHA from Honolulu
=^..^= . <3 . >< } } (°>

Cloudia said...

As both our blogs prove: neither of us is yet immune from our own great sights-

Aimz said...

Looks like a lovely town though. we're in the same position here, we live in a small seaside town, nearest supermarket is about 45 mins away.

Cro Magnon said...

Looks like I'm the only one who DOESN'T find this ideal. You live in a small town away from all the hustle and bustle, but the hustle and bustle finds you anyway. A little cottage a few miles out of town would suit me better.

thelma said...

Lovely photos, Yorkshire is beautiful in the summer, and even in the winter when the snow lies thick on the ground. Love the quiet grayness of the houses, they give such a substantial air of prosperity.

The Weaver of Grass said...

Thanks for the comments. I tend to agree with Cro - but then the voice of reason kicks in and I know that as one gets older and more prone to needing help, maybe being nearer other people is the better option.