Saturday 17 May 2014

We're Back.

After a holiday in the Northumberland National Park, staying at a lovely hotel in Bamburgh and going deep into the Cheviots most days to enjoy the warm sunshine, the superb bird life, lovely friendly folk and delicious food, we are back home to grass which needs cutting, mountains of washing, which is flapping on the line as I write and the possibility of getting back to 'normal' by tomorrow morning.   So watch this space.


  1. Goodness sounds like fun.
    except for maybe all the washing.

    cheers, parsnip

  2. The time away sounded lovely ~ although I also love listening to fresh laundry flapping in the wind !

  3. Sounds like a lovely trip!
    Looking forward to hearing the details.

  4. Another one, here, waiting for pictures and stories from your trip. Welcome back!

  5. Lovely time of year to have a holiday. So glad you enjoyed yourselves and are safely home again.

  6. Your getaway break must have been enjoyable.

    May I tell you, after this morning's time spent in my NYC apartment building's basement laundry room, that I do envy your being able to have the fresh air available to dry your laundry.

    I do love visiting hereabouts!

  7. Glad to hear you are back and that you had a lovely holiday. We will all be looking forward to some photos soon. Cheers

  8. The worst bit about going on holiday is returning home. Maybe that's why I never go.

  9. It`s not easy to leave land and animals, so it is good to hear that you both enjoyed a holiday away.

  10. Welcome Home! How nice that the weather was kind to you and you had a good holiday. It's always good to get home, in spite of the long grass and all the laundry.

  11. Welcome back - glad you had a great time and good weather. We've missed you a lot.
