Wednesday 28 May 2014

Back to winter.

Here we seem to get one day of warm, sunny weather and then we revert to chilly, cloudy or rainy weather.  Monday was a lovely day for potting up plants and general tidying the garden.   Now I would not turn a dog out.

Yesterday my god-daughter and her husband came for the day so there was no time for blogging.   We don't see them very often so it was lovely to catch up on all their news.  Then, in the evening, my grandchildren called - so bedtime arrived without the computer being switched on.

Today, friend W and I have been to hear the Scottish poet, Don Paterson, read his work.   The event was part of our local Swaledale Festival and was really well-attended.   There were about sixty people there which is a good turn out for poetry I think.   In the question time afterwards he said that he felt Poetry was as strong as it ever was, and I agree with him.

If you don't know his work do look it up on the internet - it is such powerful stuff and to hear him read it and to see him standing there and using his hands to help indicate his meaning was a real treat.

On the way home we called into a pub for Butternut Squash and Wild Mushroom risotto - delicious.  (try it - I certainly will have a go at making it shortly.)


  1. I so enjoy these outings. Thanks, dear P

    ALOHA from Honolulu

  2. I agree with you that 60 is a very good turnout for poetry. I am not familiar with the poet, but will take your advice and check him out...

  3. Your village life is filled with wonderful things.

    cheers, parsnip

  4. I lit a fire last night; Lady Magnon is still suffering from post-Australia-temperature-realignment.

  5. You have such interesting outings!
    Over here it is about 20 or 21 every day but feels colder, even with the sunshine, due to the cold wind blowing off the water.

  6. We lit a fire last night as well!

    I will look out for Don Paterson`s poetry. How lovely to go to a live reading.

  7. Love risottos, wonder what wild mushrooms the chef used. Raining here, good for mushroom growing..

  8. It's been distinctly chilly for a couple of days now. Hope it warms up soon.

  9. Cold and wet here too Pat.
    To hear a poet reading his/her own work must make the experience extra special.
    The risotto sounds delicious - just right for chilly days.

  10. Thelma - here we can buy packs labelled 'wild mushrooms' - they are not cheap and seem to involve various odd shaped ones. The ones in the risotto were small and neat and a pale creamy colour.
    Fire again tonight as the chilly weather continues.
    Thanks for calling.
