Wednesday 23 April 2014

This and that

Looking out of the Landing window I see that the farmer opposite has sent someone to mend his wall.  The professional chap doing it has taken the wall right back to ground level and is just starting to rebuild.   So often farmers just put the fallen stones back and all that happens is that the first hail/snow/gale brings the top layers off again.   When sheep were in the field last year and the wall was in such bad repair, the lambs kept getting out on to the road.   There is nothing more nimble or inquisitive than a young lamb intent on getting out - it is just not so good at getting back!   So now, when the sheep and lambs come in a few weeks time, we shalln't have to keep ringing up to say they are out on the road.

After a thoroughly wet day yesterday the sun is shining today and everything looks clean and new.   All my new pullets are laying well - too well.   After I have given all friends and relations eggs I have so many left that I don't know what to do with them.   The farmer has put a notice on the gate saying eggs for sale - we shall see whether that brings any customers in or not.   The eggs are very small, not much bigger than a pigeon's egg, but the yolks are golden yellow and the albumen in them is so strong that the egg white is very coagulant and poaching them produces a perfectly round egg.

Speaking of eggs - still no sign of a pheasant hen sitting on the nest in the front garden - there are now about eighteen eggs in it and from the colour of the eggs it really does look as though two different hens are laying there.

Off to the hairdressers at lunch time and then on to spend the afternoon with an old friend - what could be better?


  1. I always admire a good piece of dry stone walling - it is Craft with a capital C. How I wish I was near enough to come and buy some eggs. Maybe you'll have to include some pheasant eggs?!!

  2. I would love to have some of your eggs. le sigh.

    cheers, parsnip

  3. I now have just ONE hen, and amazingly I'm having the same problem. My fridge is full of beautiful eggs; I'll have to make a quiche.

  4. No one has been to buy eggs so far, so they are piling up. Thanks for calling.

  5. What a lovely place you have, Pat, and I love that stone wall. There are few places in the world as beautiful as the Yorkshire Dales.
