Sunday 20 April 2014

a quiet day

Yesterday, once my visitor had gone,  I had a quiet day.   The weather was pleasant and Tess and I walked round the fields after lunch looking at what had grown while we had been doing other things.

By the little barn, which always houses a few wood pigeons' nests, a bird of prey must have sat in wait, because on the grass was a heap of wood pigeon feathers = evidence that one bird's nest would be deprived of a Mum or Dad.   I would expect them to be hatched by now because the collared doves in our Scot's pines have dropped their egg shells on the grass - a sure sign that the babies are there.

Our new field, which the farmer bought in the Autumn, is overrun with rabbits, many of them in the main rabbit warren, which lies on the public footpath.   I just hope that no-one walks along in the dark because some of the holes are quite treacherous.   If you stand at the bottom of the field and clap your hands, rabbits run in all directions.

The first cows are out in the pastures.   Our farmer neighbour, whose cows we house, has his milking herd out, but the cows in our barn are heavily pregnant and will stay in a little longer.  I have taken a photograph which shows the cows in the far distance.  They are so faint it is hard to see them, but I rather liked a view of the farm you haven't seen before, so I left it in.

There are plenty of Spring flowers around but often you have to search in the undergrowth for them.  I found primroses, cowslips and honesty but all were shy of being photographed and were hiding in the undergrowth.

There is that sense in the air that everything is stirring.


  1. I rather like that view of the farm too; it takes me right back to days spent walking in The Dales. Thank you.

  2. Lovely views around the farm and I see what you mean about those rabbit holes. Down here I find it so odd to see daffodils still in bloom along with bluebells and other flowers which usually come later. Everything seems to be happening at once. Cold and grey today, but it will make all the flowers last longer.

  3. It's always sad to find those little piles of feathers.

    You really will have to buy a .22 rifle. Rabbit stew is delicious.

  4. Always sad to find the remains of a bird of prey's dinner, but that's life...

    I hope no-one twists their ankle in the rabbit warren

  5. At this time of year, wood-pigeons seem to be easy prey. I have three piles of their feathers around the small area of my workshop, all from the last 3 weeks and all probably made by the same hawk. Lots of mouths to feed!

  6. The photo with the gate is lovely. Happy Easter. A & K

  7. Happy Easter!
    Loved the spring flowers which we don't have many of here.
    Does Tess have fun with the rabbits?

  8. That stone wall is beautiful, as id the view there ~ I have such a thing for stone walls.
    I hope you are having a splendid Sunday

  9. Lovely photos Pat. I am having a quiet day too - both dogs are flat out after this morning's walk and Jon has a fever so has taken to his bed for a couple of hours - unheard of! Happy Easter Sunday.

  10. Thank you for the walk we all had with you and Tess. I felt being in England for a moment!
    Happy Easter!

  11. Sad to think of the baby birds alone in the nest. Such is life.
    Happy Easter Weaver!

  12. I feel the stirring in your post!


  13. Sometimes we need some quiet time. I have been a sporadic bogger for a whileGood to see that you have been having fun and gadding about and I am impressed by the hen pheasant choosing to nest in your garden again.Could not think of a nicer place than under a 'New Dawn'.Did the bunnies infesting your meadow bring you lots of Easter eggs??

  14. I clicked on the photo and I saw,Tess, beautiful wall, gate, field stream, trees and yes, the cows !
    Oh My Goodness what a lovely view.

    cheers, parsnip

  15. We've spent a bit of time down at our lottie, we have a pair of blackbirds nesting in the hedge. Green shoots are appearing, huge bees are buzzing around and sparrows are having dust baths, you are right, you can feel things changing in the air.
    Happy Easter

  16. Such a beautiful header photo!
    I hope that the Easter Bunny was among those near your farm, and that a little chocolate was left for you.

  17. What a lovely view, and yes the cows were clearly visible in the distance. They must be so glad to be out with the warmth on their backs and fresh green grass to feed on, after a boring winter cooped up.

    What an enormous rabbit warren - I do hope Tess doesn't decide to see how far she can get into it! A fair way, by the looks of it!

  18. Thanks for your visits. Yes, there is no doubt at all now that Spring is in the air. Today it is quite warm.
