Friday 8 November 2013

An unexpected outing.

Often the best kind of outing.   On Fridays I always meet a group of friends in town for coffee at 10am.   As I was getting ready to go, friend G rang and asked if I would care to join her and friend J for lunch in The Three Horseshoes in Wensley village for a fish and chip lunch.

Casserole all ready for the farmer, so no reason to say no.  They called for me at noon and we tootled down the Dale the three miles or so to the pub.   Delicious fish and chips and mushy peas in an old fashioned environment - lovely, easy going, dogs allowed in the bar with its scrubbed wooden tables and comfortable settles for sitting on.  There were logs burning brightly in the wood burning stove and a lovely view from the window.   What could be better?

After lunch we strolled next door to White Rose Candles, who have already got their Christmas candles on display.   It is a fascinating place where they are making candles as you wander round and where the smell of melting candle wax pervades the air.

There is every sort of candle you can imagine, and every colour too.  The easiest thing to do is to copy down their write up from their hand-out.

'White Rose Candles est. 1971 has a reputation for high quality handmade long burning candles, made in their old watermill using unusual machinery.   Dinner, pillar, aromatherapy and church candles are our speciality.   Also available are a wide range of candle holders.'   You can get a better idea of what is on offer by going to their website at but I can assure you that their stock is absolutely beautiful and at present so very Christmassy.   Do go and have a look on the web site.

I am putting on some photographs I took (with their permission) as we walked around.


  1. How wonderful to be in a shop full of candles! Happy belated birthday!I am glad you had such a great day! Sorry I didn't know this. I have been busy preparing the arrival of my daughter and her four children, from Australia.I bought woollen socks, woollen caps and an extra jacket this afternoon. That's the reason why I have neglected so many people!

  2. Unexpected outing are sometimes the best.
    Sometimes I have a hard time burning the really pretty candles.

    cheers, parsnip

  3. Lovely lunch, good friends and a most interesting and beautiful shop. Perfect!!!

  4. What a great day to spend with good friends and enjoy all those colourful candle. and you are so well organised to have the casserole ready for the farmer.

  5. What a lovely day. The lunch and it's venue sounds perfect for a November day and the visit to the candle shop takes me back to a summer holiday when we visited a similar establishment and watched very decorative candles being made.

  6. The colorful candle shop is a work of art with all its pure colors of candles. I would buy some for sure, and the old fashioned pub lunch sounds like one I would enjoy.

  7. had to laugh - I was reading too quickly and read it as "Dogs are welcome on tables! lol! Hilarious Pat! Trying another recipe tonight - quite a hot little number! Will report back later.

  8. What a wonderful shop - it's a shame the internet isn't up to doing smells yet! Give it another year or two! I was interested in the photo of the cupcakes - the sign says "CUPCAKES no candles!" Does that mean they are indeed cupcakes, or that they are "cupcakes no, candles?" I decided in the end that they were probably very clever candles? am I correct?

    Happy birthday Pat! Your lunch sounded so pleasant.

  9. Sounds like a fun outing,unplanned ones are often the best. I love the candle shop.

  10. All the colours of the rainbow indeed - and do wish it was smelly computers as well as the smell was lovely. Thanks for calling. What the sign on the cupcakes actually said Em was 'cup cakes no calories'

  11. Belated Happy Birthday! Lovely looking wasn't me who asked about the sign. Your comment was very cryptic when I read it just now! I'll be in touch when I have the sheep printed. x

  12. I bet it smelled so good in there! My sister and I wrapped surfboard wax every day after school for 3 years back when when we were teenagers. The wax was scented with bayberry, which permeated our cars, clothing and home - delightful!
