Sunday 3 November 2013

A Birthday Lunch

Today it is a typical November day - one minute bright sunshine and the next a blustery shower.   The air is full of showers of orange leaves, like pennies falling, and waves of starlings blown about in the wind.   A lovely day from inside the car but outside the temperature is 3.5 without the wind chill factor, so best inside.

We decided to have my birthday meal near to home.   With so many nice pubs to choose from it seemed silly to go far away from home on a day when it really wasn''t suitable for a stroll afterwards.   So we chose to go to The Bolton Arms in Downholme, near to Richmond and about five miles from home.

A wise choice as the menu was varied and the food was delicious.   The farmer had leek and potato soup and roast beef and Yorkshire Pudding (what else I ask), and I had the soup followed by haddock, prawn and spinach crumble.   Coffee and chocolates to finish - all delicious.    

Then a short ride round Swaledale

produced a few photographs to show you today.   Leaves turning, showers in the distance, grouse moors but no grouse to be seen (they have learned to lie low**), above the tree line only an isolated tree showing.   We arrive back to the Cross Tree in our nearest village, then home down the Lane to Tess waiting for her lunchtime walk.

*The bottom photograph of the sheep (with Mr Sheep in attendance but out of shot as he is not a pretty sight!) was taken from our table in the dining room.

**Grouse shooting ends at the beginning of December - then the grouse will be safe until the glorious (or inglorious depending upon your point of view) twelfth next August.

Now after this blog it is feet up and an hour with Patrick Leigh Fermor - what could be better?


  1. What else indeed?!Happy Birthday Pat. Enjoy the rest of your day.

  2. What a loved day and your lunch sounds lovely.
    The idea of a fish crumble instead of a pie or quiche sounds interesting.
    Happy Birthday and having Tess waiting for you to come home is just the best.
    Happy Birthday

    cheers, parsnip

  3. The air is full of showers of orange leaves, like pennies falling, and waves of starlings blown about in the wind.

    One of your very best lines pat

    A birthday treat indeed x

  4. Happy Birthday Pat, from me as well. What a lovely sounding lunch you both had, and a nice little drive afterwards (lovely photos). I have to ask, if the best bit is sitting down with a good book afterwards?!

  5. To tell you the truth Pat I can't be bothered with birthdays anymore, least of all my own. One year I forgot my own birthday and was reminded only when somebody said: Did you enjoy your birthday yesterday?
    You can see I don't get many cards!

  6. Mind you I don't send many either ;-)

  7. The Yorkshire landscape is beautiful even in November. Glad you had some sunshine for your birthday lunch out - it sounds delicious. The farmer and my husband have similar tastes!

  8. Keeping warm, well fed, and well read sounds like a great way to spend a birthday! Always lovely to see your photos Pat, where our seasons are reversed here in the Southern Hemisphere.

  9. Happy Birthday to you Pat! I've just recently found your blog. I love that you post every day. We are staying indoors today here too. Its very WINDY and a chill in the air. A good day to work on my arts and crafts. Hugs! deb

  10. It sounds like your birthday lunch was scrumptious!
    ...and what pretty views of the countryside. It looks similar to our views, but different at the same time.
    I, too, liked the imagery in your line "The air is full of showers of orange leaves, like pennies falling, and waves of starlings blown about in the wind"!
    Happy Birthday from the Shenandoah Valley.

  11. A wonderful birthday outing - and I love the rock wall with the sheep - such a calm photo. I'm glad your day was so nice.

  12. A rather belated Happy Birthday. Isn't it wonderful that we now have such excellent pub grub everywhere. It doesn't seem so long ago when a request for food was greeted with withering looks and sarcasm in most public houses.

  13. Happy birthday from me in Norfolk.

  14. Happy Birthday from me and K.
    The scenery is glorious, but I can imagine how cold it is once you step out of the car.
    I'm pleased you had a good time.

  15. Thanks for all the birthday good wishes - and yes, AJ, you are quite right - it was jolly cold when you stepped out of the car.

  16. Belated best wishes for your birthday - with many happy returns of the day!
