Tuesday 15 October 2013

What to do on a 'free' day.

Tomorrow, for the first time in several weeks, I have a totally free day.   I am meeting friend W early in the morning, when she kindly takes me into our little market town to go to the Bank - and afterwards we reward ourselves with a cup of coffee.   Then after my return I have nothing planned.

So, I have had a serious talk with myself today and am determined to set about dealing with the apple crop tomorrow.   We have boxes of apples, none of which are 'keepers' and all of which need using unless we are to perish from a surfeit of stewed apples and custard.

Tomorrow I shall make - and freeze - several apple crumbles, and several apple pies.  Watch this space.


  1. You bring to mind weekends of grandchildren taking turns at the handle of the food processor, turning apples into apple sauce for the canner.

    My mother's grandchildren, not mine. May I never be faced with so many apples again.

  2. We're just about to eat an apple crumble, I make loads of them at this time of year with the apples from Crafty green Boyfriend's parents' apple trees

  3. You will feel so pleased with yourself when they are all dealt with. It's rather a chore when there is a glut but such a shame to waste them and apple crumble/pie/or anything else is delicious.

  4. I grew up on in orchard a huge orchard....200 acres all together. By the time the last apple was packed and sold I was a happy kid. My parents were even happier.


  5. Apple butter - so good on a slice of hot toast on a wintry day - or on a peanut butter sandwich on a summer day. So much easier than making jam - I make mine in the crock pot, made my last batch yesterday, my house still smells delicious.

  6. Apple butter - so good on a slice of hot toast on a wintry day - or on a peanut butter sandwich on a summer day. So much easier than making jam - I make mine in the crock pot, made my last batch yesterday, my house still smells delicious.

  7. I wish zou luck! I certainly could not do all that baking in one day, my back would give out between the shoulder blades.

  8. Everyone should have a friend whose name begins with "W" ~ of course I may be biased ;)
    Glad to now there are "W" people across the pond ( yes silly ~ I am )
    Looking forward to the aroma of apples coming from your blog tomorrow.

  9. Apple and blueberry crumble - yum! My favourite. Apple with lemon rind - wonderful.

    But my hands got sore just contemplating peeling all those apples! Not so good! Hope it goes well, and there's something good to listen to while you work.

  10. Sounds wonderful. Your home will smell lovely tomorrow.

    cheers, parsnip

  11. Well, if you should need any help with testing and tasting.....
    It's lovely to have a whole day to yourself isn't it?

  12. Daughter sick today - all she wanted was stewed apple and custard!
    Thought of you tonight at book club (held in the modern Amnesty International office building in the city).
    We were saying that in so many places in Australia we don't have the more intimate community of long-established English villages - it is very evident in your blog and lovely to read about.

  13. You can't have too much custard Pat.

  14. Apple butter sounds good - how do I make it please?

  15. Ah, yes the joys of a free day! Catch up on reading, maybe a little handwork on my embroidery, a walk on the beach, and clipping a bouquet out of the garden - the simple pleasures!
