Thursday 10 October 2013

Cleaning out old files.

Yesterday I had a day all to myself as the farmer was away, so I took the opportunity to completely clean out my computer desk.   What a revelation.   I was amazed by the amount of poetry I had written in the days before my medication stopped my creative processes working, and also astonished to find out the number of posts I had written and how long I had been blogging.

I came across the entry which I had printed out for some reason - for Tuesday 6th January 2009.   I called the poem 'The Coldest Night of the Year' and it struck me that it was quite relevant for today.   The temperature here today is twelve degrees colder than it was yesterday; there is a bitter Easterly wind blowing and every few minutes there is a heavy shower.   It would seem that Autumn has arrived with a vengeance.  In fact (look away now if you would rather not know this), I have put on my thermals today.

So here, with no apologies, is a repeat of that entry on the coldest night of the year.   I am certain it will not be the coldest night of the year but from where I am standing it sure feels like it will be.

The owl,
from his lofty perch
looks down on the
glittering, moonlit yard.
He sees
the cattle steaming in the byre,
the farm cats, well fed, in the hay,
the blazing fire upon the hearth,
the logs - where once he might have perched -
piled high;
the crumpets waiting in the dish
for toasting when the fire is right.
And then the night begins to close
around the scene.
The moon retires behind the cloud,
the curtains drawn, the dark comes down.
The fieldmouse moves across the yard
to find the corn to feed her brood.
He swoops, the deadly dart,
his talons kill; without a sound
he's gone upon his silent wing.
The cold comes down and icy fingers
coat the hedge with frost.
Inside, the crumpets,
toasted at the hearth,
are eaten, whilst the owl
devours his prey,
swallowed whole, untasted,
but sufficient for the hour.

So join me in spirit for a glass of blackberry whisky and a toasted
crumpet before a blazing fire.   Keep warm 
This is my 1673rd blog post.


  1. Your poem is wonderful! Our weather today in Arizona has turned more towards fall. Winds at 30-40 mph, cloudy skies and much cooler temperatures in the high 60's. So I'll hunker down with a glass of Young's Double Chocolate Stout. Cheers!
    Sandy O' @ My Yellow Swing

  2. Wow, your fall weather is more like my winter.
    Like @psobrien (I'm in Arizona too) our "fall" weather is rater cold today, cloudy, right now it is 65 with the high up to 73. For our fall that is cold ! this weekend back up to the 80's were it should be.
    Your poem was wonderful I could feel the cold evening with the owl, mouse and crumpets by the fire.
    Congratulations on your 1673 blog post !

    cheers, parsnip

  3. My life is richer, because you blog, P.

    Aloha Thanks

  4. What a beautiful poem - so descriptive - I saw it all. It's been very chilly here too and we have the heating on. No thermals yet but they are not far away. I am not good at keeping records and have no idea how many blog posts I've made - nowhere near 1673, that's for sure. Enjoy those crumpets.

  5. So nice to see that poem again, - sorry about your weather, - it is gloomy here this morning but promises of sunshine in the afternoon.

    Also, commenting on yesterday's post, glad you have the medical visit over and that it is helping.

    Congratulations, Pat,on a wonderful output of almost daily postings, one of the first I look for!

  6. That is a great poem , makes me yearn for a chat by the fireside with a mug of something warm.
    I must admit I am glad the cold is not entirely upon us here yet as a matter of fact my impatiens are still going strong here in New England so we haven't really had a real cold night yet , as they are the first annual flower to go when we do !

  7. Super poem!
    Yes, you are a veteran blogger -and a wonderful one.
    Keep warm.
    Chilly here too.
    I had my first hot choc of the season yesterday.

  8. Love the poem, and the build to a very good final line. Yep, lit the fire here tonight; on the plus side the night sky is fabulous. What a moon!

  9. Love your poem. We are having early fall weather here in Ohio, seventies during the day and forties at night. Don't have the thermals out yet but we are getting ready. Congrats on your 1673 blogs. I so enjoy your stories and am enjoying a hot cup of tea and some pumpkins cookies. Stay well

  10. I felt the cold as I read! Definitely a poem worth repeating. Congratulations on blog 1673, and I look forward to many, many more. Aren't we lucky to be living where we can be warm and snug - so many aren't as fortunate.

  11. I am grateful that our spring has not been too hot and I feel much more comfortable in my spencer than short sleeves.
    Looks like you'll have a bumper crop of apples. My fruit trees all get raided by parrots and possums so we seldom even get to taste our apples.
    Keep warm, keep happy and I certainly would love to join you for a crumpet and blackberry whiskey.

  12. 1673 posts! You are an inspiration.

  13. You had me checking the numbers. I'm way behind you with only 1361 posts! Can you imagine going back and trying to read them all. What a nightmare . . .

  14. Pleased to see 82 year old Alice Munro winning Nobel Prize for Literature for her short stories. A refreshing and timely change!

  15. There is hope for me yet then Gwil!
    One of the best things about blogging is keeping the same blogging friends through the years. I am shortly to meet another one who is coming all the way from the US - I can't wait to meet her.
    Thanks for staying with me.

  16. Lovely words, painting a vivid picture of the barn owl and hot, buttery crumpets.

  17. An excellent and evoccotive poem, Pat, I absolutely loved it:)

  18. Thanks for visiting my blog. The Blakeney Hotel is a lovely place, we stayed there overnight when we first came up to Norfolk from London. Lovely to be spoilt with room service and a view! Especially after London. Like you, for health reasons no overseas travel, not travel of any sort these days, we are happiest at home, and having lots of picnics all year round, days or half days out here and there. All we want is here.
