Tuesday 30 July 2013

I am still here!

After an absence of a few days this is just a quickie to say I am still here!    I have had a 'blip' in my health and have now definitely had to stop driving.   I was not driving for eight months, then a reprieve for another year and a half, then six months without driving.   Now, after only ten days or so of driving again I have had another attack and I think my driving days are probably over for good.

And this is where the value of friends comes in.   I had my attack on Sunday morning very early and spent the day in bed and yesterday recuperating.   Today one friend, W, called and took me into town and then we had coffee and sat and chatted in the Bistro window for an hour.   I had only been home a couple of minutes when friend, G, called to say she was taking me out to lunch.   The poor farmer (who had to get his own lunch on Sunday) had to get his own lunch again today as off G and I went to a local hostelry for a sandwich and then a lovely ride back over the moors near to home.   Look at that sky in the photograph.

Both events have made me feel much more like my old self.   I never cease to be thankful for the love of my friends - what would I do without them?  Friendship is one of the most important things in the whole world.


  1. Do you have any kind of public transport near you? It would be good if you could still get out without relying on others. It will be tough to have to give up the car permanently.

  2. Oh my goodness!
    I've been wondering where you'd been.
    You'll be in my thoughts and prayers. Be well, my friend!

  3. Oh Weave ! Don't have attacks whilst driving - as AJ says, use yer bus pass! Glad to see you back well, and yes, friends are the best.

  4. May you be well! And always rejoice in dear friends!

  5. So sorry you've had another blip. It must be very frustrating for you but I am so pleased that you have such good friends to take you out. Look after yourself.

  6. As long as you are still with us old gal x

  7. Glad it was ony a blip. so glad you have so many good friends.

  8. I too am so glad it was only a blip. You certainly have some wonderful friends. Cheers

  9. I completely agree with you about the beauty and generosity of friends.

    Living in NYC, where public transportation is plentiful, I admit that I don't miss my long ago years driving a car that had its demands.

    I do hope that where you live might also have some forms of public transport that will give you some ways to get about. Is bicycling an option?

    Best wishes.

  10. I'm so sorry you've had another 'blip'. Loosing the ability to 'just do it' would be very difficult - the mindset changes required will take some adjusting to. How hard for you. I'm so glad you have friends who understand, and will make sure you still get out and about. Keep well.

  11. I've heard it said that all is well when we have caring friends. May you enjoy their hospitality and love.

    The sky is fabulous - what a wonderful day.

  12. Sorry to hear about your "lip" but happy to hear your feeling better.

    cheers, parsnip

  13. Oh Pat, I was afraid you had a problem - not like you to be away for a few days. How grateful we must be for gracious, loving friends and I know they will see you through this, even if it is a permanent thing, - otherwise it would be very hard to live in the country with no public transportation. Take care....

  14. So sorry to hear that your health has had another blip and that your driving days may be over for good. I suspect, like us, you may live several miles from a bus stop so public transport is not an option!

    It sounds like you have some very good friends anyway, for which you will be thankful. (Even if the poor Farmer has to keep cooking for himself . . .)

  15. I'm very pleased you are still here!

    But I have to say there are far too many cars on the roads these days. Public transport should be greatly improved and then there would be less need for all these cars. But this is unlikely to happen. The motor industry lobby is very strong. More people = more cars = more roads = more petrol = more profit. For profit is the way they see the world.

  16. Good to hear you are all right.

  17. I'm so sorry about the driving - it can be so difficult living out in the wilds without a car. I think you're being very brave about it and, as others say, thank goodness you have good friends to help.

  18. My thanks to you all. It is much appreciated.

  19. So sorry to hear of your blip, but glad you will still be able to get out and about with your friends.
    Thank you for mentioning Ronald Blythe’s book, I bought four, have others on order, and am so enjoying them - as a Yorkshire lass, now living in Australia, they paint beautiful pictures for me.

  20. I'm so sorry to read this.
    Thanks heavens for good friends who help take the sting out of bad news. I'm glad the attack didn't occur while you were driving!

  21. I am glad to hear that it was only a blip and that you are well enough to enjoy the company of good friends. Take care.

  22. Do take care and rely on your good friends to drive you around. Taking life more slowly is no bad thing ;) X
