Monday 15 April 2013

She is here.

At last!   For the first time up here in North Yorkshire - for the first time since last September - we have had a couple of fine and warm days.   Already the farmer says that the grass is "greening up" and the cows are getting restless as they smell it growing.

On Saturday, to celebrate Spring's arrival, I walked a mile over our fields to visit my friend, M, who lives in the village.   She has been away for a few weeks in London, but is back now so I decided to walk over.   The farmer did offer to drive me there round by the road, but I felt like walking (the physiotherapist cautions me to be careful how far I walk because of an arthritic knee and ankle (sadly not on the same leg.)

Tess and I really enjoyed the walk and we noted the first signs of Spring.   My first marsh marigold - sorry it is such a rotten photograph but it is impossible to get any nearer and that is always the first clump to flower.  I also saw the first daisy, the first celandine and the first dandelion.   Isn't it odd how in a few weeks time we shall be moaning about the number of dandelions and daisies there are about and about the celandines in our front garden.
They are the first flowers of Spring and as such I welcome them.

Today, for the first time since the beginning of October, I was able to put my washing out on the washing line and I can see as I look through the hall window that it is dry.   So my next job will be ironing it - while the smell of Spring is still on it.

I sat for a couple of hours with M chatting about this and that.   Old friends are the very best sort aren't they?   I don't know what I would do without my friends.

Do you remember doing Venn diagrams at school (or teaching them, or even doing them for fun!)?   Well I just thought of my friends in terms of Venn diagrams.   There is my Friday morning coffee group of friends, my group of friends who meet for Poetry afternoons, my writing group friends, my socialising group of friends, my farming friends.   They all overlap - some are in just one circle, others are in several circles - some are in them all.  Thinks:  I'll abandon the venn diagram idea, it is getting too complicated.

After two hours chat I walked back - and no ill effects on the knee and ankle - lovely day.


  1. My heart sings for you with spring finally moving in. Happily we got a couple of showers today, nothing really worthwhile but at least the reaves got wet.
    Yes, we have friends for different needs. I'll forward a rather nice email to you on the subject.

  2. Good friends are so precious. Your chat provided respite for your knee and ankle to get you safely home again. I love celandines but am waiting for my husband to start complaining as they are spreading into the lawn. The sun is shining but there are lots of clouds and showers are forecast. However, it is warm enough to cast off scarf, polo neck and the cosy lining of my jacket!

  3. Glad to hear it's warming and blooming!
    Yes, friends are always the best, old ones to share memories, new ones to make plans.........

    Happy week in the country - I'm envious BUT do have the garden to work in bringing Nature closer thankfully.

    Hugs- Mary

  4. Wonderful news.
    Spring has finally come and decoded to stay.
    Isn't it funny the way one day it is grey and cold then the next day flowers are blooming !
    Good friends are so wonderful and very important.

    cheers, parsnip

  5. Thanks for providing just such a tonic to us here, dear friend

    ALOHA from Honolulu
    Comfort Spiral
    ~ > < } } ( ° > <3

  6. My Marsh Marigolds at the edge of my wildlife pond were the first to flower - in full bloom now - and the ones I "follow" in the wet alder-carr woodland on the lane to the A40 are now coming out, but not as fully as mine. I saw the first Swallows this morning - the Farm Barn ones have arrived, so I hope "our" ones are not far behind them. They cheer me up more than anything.

    I'm glad your injuries didn't play up after your walk.

  7. I liked your Venn diagram analogy! We have celendines at last too and some little blue star shaped flowers from bulbs I plated but forgot to label. Very exciting.
