Sunday 21 April 2013

Jobs done.

It has been the morning I predicted - an hour in the garden, this time I tackled the fernery, cutting off last year's dead foliage and generally tidying up the plants before feeding them.   The Irish Tatting Fern, which is my favourite (it was bought for me by friend G) shows no sign of growth at all, but I know it is always like that and one day will burst into frond.

The farmer has spent the morning cleaning up  pine cones and needles from our Scots pines.  We do value them for the way they encourage the owls at night and for the shelter they give us from the prevailing wind.   But really, the mess they make when they shed their cones and their needles means a lot of hard work.

Then I came indoors to tackle Lyndsey Bareham's Almond Pilaf with Cumin Chicken for lunch.   It was a bit of a fiddle to make (but then, so would roast beef and Yorkshire pud be if you had never done it before) but it was delicious.   If you fancy trying it, go to - I think the recipe is there.   It was published in the Times on April 18th.

Now, in five minutes or so, I am going to our neighbouring village with a group of friends for afternoon tea in the Village Hall.   Must resist more than one piece of cake.


  1. How do pine cones attract owls pat

  2. Your lunch looks delicious - not sure Dick would take to that as he's not very adventurous with food.
    I noticed that our ferns look very tatty and in need of a hair cut - you put me to shame. Maybe I'll go out now and tidy them up.
    Enjoy your afternoon tea.

  3. It is wonderful to have owls come you your trees - we had one come one time to a tree right next to the house - his hoots were so deep and loud it shook the windows. He only came once, but we'd often hear them off in the woods.

  4. how good ..I made that on was delicious!! you have been nice to get out of doors more!!

  5. Must look this recipe up, it looks so good.
    Enjoy the Tea it sounds so lovely wish I was there.

    cheers, parsnip

  6. John - I don't think pine cones attract owls; I think the height of the trees (they have been in a long time and are very tall) means that they can get a good overview of the situation.
    The tea was delicious - wish you had all been there.

  7. It looks delicious! On Saturdays I sing in a choir for elderly people. During the break will always have a treat, like cake, with our coffee. We have to watch our weight carefully!
    Thanks for your comment. Yes all European royalties get on very well with each other. All future kings of Europe are married to women who are not members of nobility. I think that's a good thing.
