Monday 8 April 2013

Flights of Fancy.

Tonight sees the launch of Wensleydale Writers' new book, called
'Flights of Fancy' written by members and sold in aid of Great North and Yorkshire Air Ambulance Service. 

We are launching it in a local village hall.   The farmer is in charge of the wine and we have just been to collect it from our local, excellent wine shop - on sale or return.   We are very lucky to have in our little market town an absolutely excellent independent grocer who also deals in first class wines.

There will be a nice spread of food prepared by two local ladies, so it should be a splendid evening - and we do hope to sell a lot of books.   The Air Ambulance service is important round here when some places are quite remote.   It certainly helped me when I was suddenly ill two and a half years ago - the only trouble was I had an exciting ride in a helicopter and knew nothing about it.

Our pleasant, almost Spring weather of the weekend has disappeared once more and today there is a sharp Easterly wind blowing and the temperature is only four degrees Celsius.   Will that elusive Spring ever turn up?

Off to bed for an hour now.   About three times a year I have a very bad night - for no reason I can put my finger on.   Last night was just such a night and I only had about three hours sleep, so a couple of hours now should make me more able to face the celebrations tonight.  


  1. I wish you a very happy and fruitful celebration of the Air Ambulance service. Is this Ambulance Service something like the Flying Doctors in Australia?We also have Air Ambulance services here in the Netherlands in case of an emergency, when the ordinary ambulances can't come. It is always a helicopter.
    Well, Pat, have fun!!

  2. Sounds like a lovely evening. Wish I could be there.
    Is there anyway we across the pond can purchase a book ? I would love to read one. Maybe you could post some photos of the book ?
    So happy to know they were around to help you and so many other when need.

    cheers, parsnip

  3. Do hope your nap enables you to enjoy your evening, and that it is a great success for such a worthy cause.
    I want to come and live in Leyburn - it sounds delightful. I always said that the warmth of the people made up for the colder winters when we lived in the north. The sun is trying to shine here but we are having a cold day too.

  4. Is that the same shop that has the wonderful butchers section in Leyburn? Jon loves travelling to Leyburn when we are in the van...he loves the traditional hardware stores there. I too would be interested in buying the book Pat! The weather eh? Spotted SNOW at lunchtime!

  5. Hope you have a good sleep Pat. I owe my life to the Devon Air Ambulance and, with my neck in a brace, could see nothing of the flight. As we landed, I slipped into morphine induced slumber so missed pretty well everything too. Crazy that they're not funded but we do a lot round here for them. Enjoy tonight!

  6. Best wishes to authors and aviating angels! Ah we all have such nights. Certainly you'll sleep better tonight, pal.


  7. Hope you have a wonderfully successful evening, Pat.

    I will be watching to see if this book is available to purchase in bloggerland.

  8. Hope you have a refreshing nap! Hope the book sells well, all in a good cause!

  9. Yes - an hour's sleep made all the difference and we had a splendid evening. Thanks for the good wishes for the evening.

  10. Congratulations on the book! May it sell like hotcakes!
    I'm so sorry you had a bad night. Insomnia. Is there anything more frustrating?! You are due a long, cozy nap!! xo
