Tuesday 5 March 2013

What a Day.

This morning the weather forecaster said that today was going to be 'the best day of the year so far' and goodness, how right she was.   After the early morning fog had cleared it has been a gloriously warm and sunny day (not going to last - rain and wind tomorrow).

After our supermarket run and an early lunch so that the farmer could get on with his slurrying, Tess and I had a leisurely walk round the fields.   It was one of those really still and silent days.  Even Tess seemed subdued and stayed quite close to me on the whole walk.  The rabbits are beginning to be around again.   Last Winter, when many of the burrows were flooded out, their numbers went down dramatically. But now new burrows and exciting smells at some of them (see the photo of Tess with her head down one), and evidence of grey fur all over suggest they are nesting again and breeding like ...well, rabbits.

Before long the cattle indoors will begin to smell the new grass growing and  get restless.   But at present they seem to be content to lie in the straw chewing the cud and enjoying the warm day.

Later on in the afternoon friend G called and together we repeated the walk with all three dogs and although it was beginning to cool off, it was still a lovely walk. I suppose, if there is one thing that can be said of the absolutely awful Winter we have had, it is that it makes every warm sunny day seem even sweeter.    


  1. It was glorious, wasn't it? Glad your part of the world had it too. I managed to get a bit more gardening done but run out of puff too soon these days.
    We really have to make the most of every lovely day in case we don't get another one for ages!

  2. Yes, you said it! And let us feel it too, lovely. Thanks with Aloha

  3. The sunshine through our windows is completely occupied by cats and dogs. No room for people.

  4. Lovely sounding day ! Still some snow here but the sun is getting warmer and sun light is becoming later in the evenings . Birdies are singing loud and proud their spring time songs ! Lovely photos ! Have a good day !

  5. SUN HERE also! It didn't arrive until late afternoon, but I'm thrilled none the less. Better still is the word from weather reports that the remainder of the week is stay sun-ish and in the high 30's/40's. That is akin to summer after this winter, lol....

    So glad you're having a cup-of-sun-and-cheer there too!


  6. Sound like such a lovely day and lucky Tess lots of good sniffs !

    cheers, gayle

  7. It was glorious, wasn't it? Glad you got out to enjoy it. And I love the photo of Tess peering down the rabbit hole.

  8. Each lovely day brings spring that much closer. Glad you had a great day. We had rain.

  9. It has been lovely these last couple of days and thank goodness for it. I am so fed up with winter and now spring is starting I'm getting a real spring in my step

  10. What a relief it was. Back to grey today but that little bit of heat was wonderful through the windows.

  11. ...and it takes the mind off the slurrying!

  12. Makes you feel that Spring might be in with a chance, doesn't it?

  13. Well we read the same forcast. Jon was due to take the motorbike in for its MOT but it was freezing fog here. He took it in the van instead. Still cold and freezing fog here so staying in and keeping warm.

  14. So happy for you - sunshine is important for both our mental and physical wellbeing.

    We've not seen rabbits since the foxes took up residence here...........I'm anxious to see if we get cubs this Spring.

    Enjoy each day, hopefully many more warm, sunny ones are on the way.

  15. Tess and the rabbit hole made me laugh out loud - what a character! And in the take away box? Why, hamburgers and french fries, of course!
