Saturday 2 March 2013

It doesn't really matter which day it is.

Juliet (Crafty Green Poet) says that she has been led to believe that Spring begins on March 1st;  I have always thought it to be March 21st.   But I don't think it matters for one moment - after all, the sun has no idea we have split our world into various seasonal names.

Whichever is correct, there is no doubt as I walked down the lane after lunch today, that Spring is in the air.   I heard tits singing, blackbirds, robins and chaffinches.   In the trees rooks were busy building their twiggy nests and falling out over every twig until they dropped it (and then forgot all about it and went off for another one instead of picking it up.)  The sun was warm on my back, even with a cool wind blowing.

And coming back through the front garden, I found that several plants had completely taken me by surprise.  There was a lot of Pulmonaria out all over the garden.   I love it in the Spring before the leaves have had time to develop into great ugly things prone to mildew.   In the bottom wall there were dozens of tiny little ferns. And in the 'manger' the Tete a Tete daffodils are well in bud.   And - joy of joys - the first of the Lenten roses is in bud too.   There is no doubt about it - Winter might have another blast but Spring will win the fight before too long.

This morning was our monthly Coffee Morning.   I always go because it is one of the only chances I get to chat to people in the village.  Our oldest villager, who now lives in a care home, was there.   She will be 107 in this coming week and is now very frail.   She was able to walk in with a walking-frame and a bit of help and to sit and drink her coffee.   Her mind is so agile.   She taught the farmer when he went to the village school (and he is seventy in a few weeks time) and I noticed how her eyes followed the small children playing around the tables

Such gatherings are so good for keeping a community together I think, just as Spring is good for cheering up even the most cheerless Winter.   Come along sun - keep it going.   


  1. oh yes the little flowers that we almost miss in the path are the ones to cheer us up Pat!

  2. What a lovely cheering post Pat. That lady who is soon to be 107 is remarkable - her active mind has kept her going.
    I walked round our garden this morning and noticed that some of the hellebores have had babies - I feel like a real gardener for once.
    Everything is just waiting to pop! It just needs one or two more degrees of warmth and we'll be there.

  3. I cant wait for flowers to pop up ! First official day of spring is March 21st . Our birdies are already singing their spring songs . I love the little wild flowers in the fields ! Thanks for the spring photos so pretty and colorful ! Have a good day !

  4. I like the March 1 date -but spring comes to different places at different time - our spring begins around the 10th of April usually - but spring always comes.

  5. I think I love your village, it is just as I imagine an English village to be. 107 years old and a sharp mind too! Winter is stubbornly hanging on today in our little area. First it sleeted, then it tried to snow, now the wind is just blowing, but that hasn't stopped my pansies from smiling and my daffs from laughing at the weather.

  6. Well if was definitely spring today up here!

  7. Lovely and positive Pat, - amazing how the first spring flowers, no matter how humble or shy, can lift our spirits and make the world into an entirely different place - or our attitude to it!

    Thanks for the account of your cheering morning.

  8. Here in Ireland the Ist February is the first day of Spring.

  9. Here in Ireland the Ist February is the first day of Spring.

  10. Sure looks like Spring to me, even though I always thought it was the 21st, too.

    I need to get out with a camera and look for early flowers just as soon as this interminable rain stops.

  11. Today certainly felt like spring. Who cares about the date?

  12. How wonderful your 'oldest villager' could still be included. I frequently noticed my very old aunt following the children out of the corner of her eye - "once a teacher, always a teacher". How she loved the children, and how perceptive were her comments about their development! Thanks for jogging my memory.

    Glad spring is coming for you too - you've had a long, cold winter this year, haven't you.

  13. How wonderful your 'oldest villager' could still be included. I frequently noticed my very old aunt following the children out of the corner of her eye - "once a teacher, always a teacher". How she loved the children, and how perceptive were her comments about their development! Thanks for jogging my memory.

    Glad spring is coming for you too - you've had a long, cold winter this year, haven't you.

  14. You must be right: it doesn't matter. What matters is that the seasons come round in their due order - though I doubt we can rely on that for much longer. Surely, though, the true start to Spring is the 21st. Our weather forecasting friends altered it because their computers couldn't cope with it!

  15. Ooops! Just realised I didn't congratulate you on such fine pics. Thanks for.

  16. Glad everyone is feeling that first smell of spring in their blood!!!
    Thanks for visiting.

  17. Growing up in Australia we were always taught that the seasons start on the first of the month. When I came to live in the UK I was taught that it is the 21st. However, on the news lately (here in the UK) they have been talking and showing statistics as though Winter ended on 28th February and Spring started on 1st March. Now I really am confused.

  18. Lovely for those of us who experienced that lovely weather, particularly as today is cold and foggy again. Commiserations to those who didn't even get a taste of Spring. Thanks to you all for popping over.
