Saturday 1 December 2012


The wet weather, which has bedevilled us for so many weeks and caused such havoc with floods, seems to have finally left us for the time being at any rate.   But not before it caused a landslide in the beautiful seaside town of Whitby, leading to a row of picturesque cottages, which have stood on the site for 150 years, being condemned.  Demolition has started today and people have not even been allowed back into their homes to collect their belongings, as it is too dangerous.   In the past I have looked at all those lovely cottages perched on the steep hillside - with a lovely view across the bay - and thought how wonderful it would be to live in one.

Now, the days are bright and sunny.   There is a bitter wind blowing and the sunsets are magnificent.   And, as I switched on my computer, I saw on the news that snow is falling in some areas.  So now I think about all those who were flooded and are just beginning to get back on track with their homes dried out and redecorated but without the comfort of the past - this is probably the last thing they need.

If we have escaped the worst of the weather - as the farmer and I have - then we should be thankful.   A few lakes in the fields and gardens is little price to pay.

This morning was our monthly coffee morning in the village and I was talking to L, who reads this blog.   Her large front lawn has been flooded for weeks and now as I passed this morning I saw that it was frozen over.   I told her her lake had turned into a skating rink but she said she had tried the ice and it wasn't thick enough!  Judging by the forecast L, you could be putting on your ice skates any time soon.  


  1. Some areas are certainly being tested to the limits with the weather they have had. We are so lucky here and usually miss the worst of whatever is happening but it's definitely time for porage, soup and thermals!
    How awful for those residents in Whitby losing their homes and all their possessions. I know that 'things' are not important but family photos and such like are irreplaceable.

  2. I drove through about an inch of inch (and laying) on the way out of Edinburgh tonight. And truly bitter here tonight now I'm home (though no snow).
    I was listening to the demolition of the Whitby cottages on the radio - and the memories of the people who were watching. Astonishing to think they have stood for 150 years. It does make on suspect that climate change is becoming all too real.

  3. I feel so sad for those poor people who have lost their homes - at least with floods you can usually recover something. Coming so close to Christmas seems to make it even sadder. I am so glad you and the farmer have been spared the worst of the weather. Cheers.

  4. Skating in my own garden was always a dream of mine!
    Hope your friend gets her own private rink.
    Claudie went skating at the Tower of London yesterday and said it was great!
    Foggy here this morning which is most unusual.

  5. I had to scrape my windscreen a couple of days ago, and it was very sparkly this morning. It's certainly getting wintery.

  6. I didn't know about the Whitby cottages - how truly awful for the residents, not only the loss of their homes, but of all their belongings. So sad.

  7. I'm so sorry for those poor folks who not only lost their homes but also their possessions. I only have heard of Whitby because I have some jet beads that are supposed to have come from there. Just down the road from us here on Long Island, outside New York City, entire neighborhoods were flooded or washed away by Hurricane Sandy just a month ago. I'm afraid we are all in for more losses in the future.

  8. Oh no, how awful to think of those beautiful old cottages being condemned. The world's weather is on it's head. It has rained for two months in KwaZulu Natal.
