Sunday 30 December 2012


No, this photograph was not taken this year.   It was taken in January three years ago when we had a sudden heavy snowfall.  I used it for our Christmas card that same year and I just came across it by chance the other day.

Snow is so photogenic, isn't it?   It looks so pretty on the trees and lying in the fields; not so pretty for the farmers who have to go out in it to feed the animals (and sometimes dig the sheep out of snow drifts).   What happens, of course, is that farmers usually end up with osteo-arthritis  and my farmer is no exception, suffering from it in his knees, shoulders and hands.

Today is bitterly cold here and snow lies on the top of the Moor and on the top of Penn Hill, both of which we can see from our kitchen window.   Here though it is raining heavily one minute and what the farmer calls a 'glishy' sun the next.   I have just taken Tess for her after-lunch walk and water is pouring down the lane in a river.   Pity the poor souls in the West Country who have had a miserable Christmas with the flooding.   Some people in our village are still not back to normal after our flooding, and that was a couple of months ago.

The wood-burner beckons and putting on one's outdoor clothes, scarves, hat and gloves is such a bind.   Then when one gets out and gets moving it is quite enjoyable.   Tess just doesn't seem to notice the weather at all.

Tomorrow will be New Year's Eve and another party although I wonder how many people will be able to come and how many will be struck down with the bug that is going round here.   I thought on Thursday that I was getting it as I felt quite ill, but gradually I have begun to feel better until today I am almost back to normal, so I hope I have fought it off without too many ill effects.

If you are venturing out to a party or if, like me, you are giving one - do enjoy it and see in the New Year.  Here's wishing you all a very Happy New Year with good health for everyone - surely the most important thing on a personal level.   On a wider level then the greatest hope has got to be for Peace around the world, but with what is going on in Syria, as well as other places where persecution of minorities or ill treatment of women seem to be commonplace and taken forgranted, I fear this is a vain hope.  


  1. I'm normally off to bed at 10.00pm but tomorrow I'm gritting my teeth and going to a party. Love the snow's still raining down here; what I'd give for a light dusting! HAPPY NEW YEAR!

  2. If the weather holds off we shall probably see in new year in the garden with some mulled wine or cider. (We're having pheasant for dinner but I still haven't decided whether I'm going to casserole it in wine or cider so I don't know what to mull! I'm toying with cider, apples and cream....)

    It'll be just us two, unless our next door neighbour's around then we'll invite him to share a drink with us.

    Have a happy new year and enjoy your evening.

  3. What a beautiful photo.
    Happy New Year !

    cheers, parsnip

  4. So glad you feel well!
    Have a super New Year's Eve party.
    Let's hope 2013 proves better than 2012.
    Yes, the wicked world wags on in the same old way --sadly.......and how we should all long for peace --a vain hope but worthwhile , I think.
    Yes, snow picture wonderfully picturesque....and chilly.

  5. We must live in hope for better things around the world in 2013 but sadly there is little we can do about it.
    Your snow scene is beautiful but as you say, it brings plenty of hardship with it.
    Keep warm, safe and well, and enjoy your party. A very Happy New Year to you Pat, and the farmer.

  6. It's true that snow makes everything look so pretty at this time year - but I am always glad when it goes away after a day or so. We'll be celebrating at the officers' mess again, with friends and family, so Happy New Year!

  7. Hear hear Weaver, and have a lovely time tomorrow night. We were due at a do, but I've taken the soft option and am staying home!

  8. I love the Farmer`s expression "Glishy sun". It describes the glimpses of pale watery sunshine that we have had today, before the wind began to blow more rain clouds in towards us.

    Enjoy your New Year`s Eve party and I hope that you stay well. We may splash up the lane to our neighbours but won`t be getting the car out!

  9. Happy New Year from Downunder.

  10. I love the snow picture. Enjoy your party Pat, we will be tucked up in bed here before the New Year dawns - probably listening to heavy rain falling. Cheers and best wishes

  11. Lovely as always to see your images, both the photographs and those you create with your words. Hope 2013 proves good for you and yours.

  12. Lovely photo, snow is certainly pretty, but problematic too!

    Best wishes for 2013

  13. Happy New Year, Pat, and thanks for all of your postings throughout the year. I look forward to hearing more from your little neck of the woods in the coming year.

  14. happy new year Pat. health and peace, good wishes for a new year

    love. light and blessings,
    Leanne x

  15. Dear Weaver, Phew, relieved to read that your header photo is a few years old as we hope to be coming up to the Dales very soon. Here's hoping for happy feet and much better weather in the year to come!
