Sunday 9 December 2012

No need to go to Arrezzo

Several years ago we went to Arrezzo, specifically to see the wonderful wall paintings of Piero della Francesca.   They were, of course, stunning.

Today, we heard the week's weather forecast, which is for terribly cold weather coming in from Northern Europe - in other words a big freeze.   Poor birds, we thought, no berries left, ground all frozen solid, nothing to eat.   So we decided to go to a local warehouse to stock up.   While there we bought coconut shells filled with fat and seeds, dried meal worms, extra feeders for seed and sunflower hearts so that now we have a good stock.

But on the way back we did a slight detour (all this well within ten miles of home) to have a walk around the thirteenth century Easby Abbey - an abbey built by and occupied by the Premonstratension 'white canons' on the banks of the River Swale.  We also chanced to go into the adjoining St Agatha's church, parts of which date back to 1100, and which still holds services today.   

And there they were on the wall of the chancel - exquisite wall paintings dating back to the 13th century - one the story of the crucifixion from Christ on the cross through to rising from the tomb and opposite it one depicting the fall - Adam and Eve, the serpent, the apple tree - and all as clear and colourful as if they had been painted yesterday.

Food for the birds, food for the soul, a health-giving walk after days of hardly daring to set foot outside because of the ice and all within a short distance of home. 


  1. its nice to have so much to see locally!

  2. Isn't it wonderful when you come across such treasures so close to home? I bet you'll be visiting again and again. So thoughtful of you to sock up for the birds too.

  3. The Abbey is still lovely even in it's ruined state, but what a little treasure St.Agatha's is. Those wall paintings are wonderful and it's amazing that they are in such good condition considering their antiquity.
    I'm sure the birds will be grateful for your thoughtfulness.

  4. How brilliant - joyful reading, good reminder to stock up on bird food - mine are eating for England - and beautiful stone on view too!

  5. Yes, Carmen & I have seen those stunning frescoes in Arrezzo. But how wonderful also to find great treasures so near to home.

  6. Sounds very nourishing all around!

  7. wonderful frescoes....such great colours still .

  8. Lovely Pat xxx Really enjoyed this x

  9. How did they make it through the Reformation? Wonderful, I really need to get there. Thanks Weaver.

  10. It's stunning when you come upon something like these. Thanks for.

  11. These wall paintings are so lovely, Pat! In Denmark I saw similar paintings in churches with the same colours. Beautiful!!
    Thanks for your comment. If you really plan to come to The Netherlands please let' s meet somewhere. You can also stay at my place. I would like to meet you and your husband.
    Have a wonderful christmas and a happy new year!

  12. Stunning paintings - thank you for sharing them. I make porridge with oats (obviously!), cous cous, sunflower oil and boiling water which goes down a treat and is very cheap. If I have seeds they go in too but they keep coming back for more even when it's just the boring mix!

  13. What wonderful frescoes! Thank you.

  14. Thanks for visiting. I am sure there are plenty of other little treasures in the vicinity - it is just a matter of searching them out.
